London & Munich in July!

Apr 26, 2014 11:03

Things to do today:
- Add to Remix (current word count: 400)
- See Only Lovers Left Alive
- Do rainy day chores
- Tell you about SUMMER VACATION

a.k.a. There is going to be one. At laaaast. I haven't taken a vacation beyond long weekends visiting friends/family since 2008: the summer I quit my job and went to grad school; the week I met roga and kassrachelRead more... )

why'm i such a freak about money, traveling

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Comments 17

browngirl April 26 2014, 16:07:40 UTC
Vacation! \o/ Have a fabulous time! Also, I owe you email!


deelaundry April 26 2014, 17:22:05 UTC
The "medical thing" I vaguely remembered having read about was the Wellcome Collection, free admission and free tours on Sat & Sun at specific times. \o/

I am relieved to find out the Jar of Moles contains the little animals, because I was picturing the items that grow on people's skin and was getting grossed out. If we go see that, we'll also have to see the Bisected Heads (and perhaps form rival rock bands with those names).


daasgrrl April 26 2014, 23:14:25 UTC
Eeee! I'm enthused about the pair of you getting to see Richard III, lol. I'm not quite keen enough to want to travel, but I'm very interested in how he'll do.

Main post: Enjoyed the OLLA review - I'm intending to see it, but just haven't had time. I got the general impression from reviews that it was 'slow', but you don't seem to have thought that?


bironic April 26 2014, 23:23:20 UTC
It was quite slow. But I like slow. It's slow maybe like Stranger by the Lake was slow - for a reason. To set mood, to reflect the mindset of the characters, etc.


daasgrrl April 26 2014, 23:26:21 UTC
I see. "Leisurely", then ;)


ellen_fremedon April 26 2014, 17:58:53 UTC
Munich! I only got to spend about a day and a half there, but I can highly recommend the Deutsches Museum. And there's a good botanical garden, too-- I can't remember what it was called, but I do remember the meticulously laid-out, beautifully-groomed, neatly-labelled plots of noxious garden weeds. Highly educational.


bironic April 27 2014, 12:53:49 UTC
Hm, could be cool. I never did make it to the botanical gardens in DC.

*researches* Could it be... the Munich Botanical Garden at Nymphenburg?


elfy April 26 2014, 22:01:50 UTC
I'm, compared to Boston, very close to either Munich or London ... actually, I think pretty much in the middle (Cologne), but I fear that means we won't meet at either place ( ... )


bironic April 27 2014, 12:52:18 UTC
Thanks for all of that! That castle looks fairy-tale gorgeous, and it's for sure on the list of places to suggest if we're able to do a day trip or two.


amnisias April 26 2014, 23:13:56 UTC
Lol, I am from a place (relatively) close to Munich (actually, the town where Neuschwanstein Castle is), and now I live (relatively) close to London.

In most touristy places (e.g. hotels and museums, you'll find people speaking english (albeit with a strong German accent). You don't need to worry about Bavarian dialect, if people notice you're a foreigner they'll try to speak 'proper'. And as a major city Munich is full of 'zugwanderden' (nonbavarians) anyway. Do stay away from Hofbraeuhaus. The Olympia Park is not that interesting, I think, a couple of stadions and lots of lawn, unless you want to visit the memorial plaque for the Israeli team. The Pinakotheks are both worth a visit, as is the Deutsche Museum. Viktualianmarkt is very pretty (though expensive) and just around the corner from Marienplatz.


bironic April 27 2014, 12:50:00 UTC
Thanks for the tips! Hofbräuhaus did sound like a tourist trap, although it may be worth walking past just to say I saw it. Beer is not my thing but I suspect I'll have to at least try a wheat beer while in town. :) And, interesting about Olympia Park not being as compelling as photos suggest. It's more out of the way than the other sites on the list, which are more or less close to my hostess down by the Technische Universität, so that may be a strike against it as well.


amnisias April 27 2014, 13:17:34 UTC
Well, I guess the Olympiastadion to us is just a stadion, since it's been there for 40 years now, it's where you go to see Bon Jovi, basically, or - in the past - football. I suppose it might be interesting if you're into architecture, because the way they constructed it was quite innovoative at the time.


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