A little poorer to make life a little richer

Sep 16, 2010 21:12

Dude. Framing stuff is expensive. I mean, I knew it was expensive, I just didn't know that a 60% discount amounts to around what I thought it would cost full-price ( Read more... )

why'm i such a freak about money, fic recs: inception, dancing, fic recs: sga

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Comments 13

l_eremita September 17 2010, 04:05:34 UTC
Framing *is* expensive, dudette! That's why I get all my posters drymounted... not as nice as framing but much lighter (I tend to go for really big images)!

Dance classes will be fun! *is inspired*


bironic September 17 2010, 11:44:07 UTC
Drymounted images are probably a lot lighter to hang on the wall, too! But I am looking forward to having something framed, anyway. Two of the other pieces I got are in off-the-shelf frames right now and they look pretty.


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bironic September 17 2010, 20:27:56 UTC
Yeah, me either. But it's a nice thought.


deelaundry September 17 2010, 11:43:50 UTC
Framing! So expensive! I feel like tracking down the school's art teachers and telling them, "STANDARD SIZE PAPER ONLY FOR KIDS' ARTWORK."

Your dance class sounds awesome. Even if you feel a little awkward on the first day, you'll be loving it before long.

♥ ♥ ♥


bironic September 17 2010, 11:48:42 UTC
Ha - unless the district is making a little cash on the side through a deal with Michael's.

I hope the class will be good. Some schools/teachers can be more business-like, oriented toward training students for competition; another teacher I had set aside class time for improv, which I hate; and this one is 60m of solo and 30m of ceili (group, like square dancing), which I like less - but we'll see. I registered for the first trimester, so if it's a disaster, it'll only be a disaster until Thanksgiving.


topaz_eyes September 17 2010, 16:54:59 UTC
I thought I saw a House kink meme somewhere, but that was months ago and I don't know if it's even active.

Framing costs are ridiculous. I learned how to conservation-mount and frame smaller pieces (cross-stitch) so I wouldn't spend $100-200 each time I wanted to frame a small piece. I still have 4 big cross-stitch pieces to frame, which TBH deserve professional framing, but $$$ are lacking atm.


bironic September 17 2010, 17:04:36 UTC
Seriously. The last time I framed a set of photos, I got cheap frames, spray-painted them black, and bought mats and a mat-cutter. The whole set of 10 probably cost less than either of the two from yesterday. Alas. But the tools are in NY, where I am not, and these babies were a) big and b) nonstandard size.

Eh, whatever. They should look nice in the end.

Was there a kink meme? If so, I must have missed it. This fandom just doesn't strike me as the type to sustain one.


topaz_eyes September 17 2010, 21:04:11 UTC
My brain wasn't playing tricks on me! I did an LJ search and found a few House kink memes/comms. Only a couple have been active at all, and they haven't been updated in months:



bironic September 17 2010, 21:06:32 UTC
Ahhh, suspicions were warranted (or part of me remembered that comm...). Thanks for the sleuthing.


chocolate_frapp September 17 2010, 18:38:35 UTC
if ANY House fan tells me they want a kinky fic I'll write one for em. I've been looking for a muse.


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