"I'm back!" ("You were gone?")

Apr 15, 2010 20:04

Back in town, and, having just watched House, back online. Took maybe an hour to catch up on the reading list and open some tabs for later. (Okay, 20 tabs. But 20 isn't bad for six days.) I wish I had the discipline to stay off LiveJournal for most of the week every week; it's so much more efficient. But I know exactly how long that would last, and ( Read more... )

fooooood, rsl, book reviews, tmi, flaaaaan

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Comments 10

recrudescence April 16 2010, 02:52:30 UTC
People on my flist keep getting massages and I really need to follow the trend. Best one I ever had was in Daegu at a hot-pink bathhouse. *reminisces* Enjoy it!


daasgrrl April 16 2010, 03:34:58 UTC
I've had exactly one massage in my life, and wasn't terribly impressed by it. Maybe she was afraid of hurting me, idk, but I felt like "put some muscle into it, woman!" *g*. Foot massages on the other hand are owwie but good.

I have a packet of red bean mochi in my cupboard right now, but haven't touched them yet. It's something you have to be in the mood for, I think. Also, I'm pretty sure they're not going to have that lovely 'fresh' texture, but I could be wrong *shrug*

I usually like green tea ice-cream in and of itself, but if they go too heavy on the powder, it turns out terribly chalky.

House: eh.

My, this has been a terribly negative sounding comment. I didn't mean it to be. Welcome back! XD


synn April 16 2010, 03:37:10 UTC
That's a shame about the trader joes mochi... I like them in NY, so maybe the box is just off and others are okay?


bironic April 16 2010, 11:46:19 UTC
I remember liking them too. Possibly I've been spoiled for green tea ice cream elsewhere, or eating them an hour after having pesto was not smart, or... something else. But these had a horrible chemical undertone yesterday that I could almost identify. Will try another from the box at some point and see.


bironic April 17 2010, 00:38:35 UTC
...no, they're still horrible. The chocolate ones are good, though.


synn April 17 2010, 00:49:50 UTC
: (


l_eremita April 16 2010, 04:07:30 UTC
I do not know what a green tea mochi is, but it sounds divine!

As does a massage. Oh yes indeed... When exams are over I may treat myself. Or even before!!! (See how impressionable I am)


bironic April 17 2010, 00:39:34 UTC

ext_226763 April 17 2010, 04:47:12 UTC
Oh, a massage! *jealous*


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