The Great Hallowe'en Catch-Up

Oct 20, 2009 11:46

So, I was in the Florida Keys from 10/10 to 10/17, and I've spent the time since then trying to bring my life back to something approaching its usual form of chaos.  In the Keys there were 8 girls in line for the one computer, so my time was limited to checking email in case my students needed me (and the occasional *short* foray into fanfic).  ( Read more... )

friends, halloween, mr. rickman

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Comments 18

daisy_roots October 20 2009, 16:35:58 UTC
Hey Birdie, like the new layout, also the new header, spilled my coffee when I saw young Mr. Radcliffe in there, are you a fan?


birdgirl78 October 21 2009, 23:12:15 UTC
Hi there sweet Daisy! Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I've been in transit and then trying to catch up after my week out. *rolls eyes* AND my housemate has actually been home...her computer is MUCH closer to the router, so she steals all the bandwidth and I have interwebz troubles.
I am a fan of Mr. Radcliffe, but he can still never replace Mr. Rickman in my heart. Honestly, I don't believe anyone could do that. I am soooo excited to hear that Creditors is coming to NYC in April...I'm sooooooo chance to see Alan live. *sigh* I wanted to make Equus last year, but couldn't get the money together.
What have you been up to my dear?


theidolhands October 20 2009, 16:50:42 UTC
I can't believe that you went to Florida to keep it cool, but I do understand appreciating real seasons. My favorite is actually autumn.

Porch wine sounds like fun!! With cold it does not and I know that "rough" stage of a cold, yeah, not to be toyed with.

omg, I've been there with connecting with someone else's spouse. I don't regret my chitchat but it went down badly with everyone especially their spouse. *eye roll* Maybe you're supposed to avoid it or cut it off at a certain point when it happens, but I was open to friendship wherever I found it.


birdgirl78 October 21 2009, 23:15:33 UTC
Porch wine was tons of fun. I love doing silly stuff--you know, forgetting I'm supposed to be a grown up. Since I'm in charge of students a lot, I have to be vaguely professional (despite my AR bet), but I never want to bury my inner child--I know those people, and they are no fun. ;)

The good news about connecting with T. is that his wife, L., thinks it's awesome. She really liked that we had a great conversation, and she added me on Twitter and reminded me that if I have sushi making questions, T. is my go-to guy. Isn't that amazingly sweet? *happy birdie*


theidolhands October 21 2009, 23:43:01 UTC
Well that's refreshing, that's the way it should go! :)


birdgirl78 October 21 2009, 23:51:36 UTC
*snort* ok, responded to the wrong thing (brain is a little wobbly at the mo).

Yeah, L. and her family are really cool. I met her through her mum, D., who shares my little Rickman problem :D


akashiver October 20 2009, 17:18:06 UTC
Sounds very fun.


birdgirl78 October 21 2009, 23:18:59 UTC
Oy, it was GREAT! And I'm already making new plans LOL. 2010 is going to be the year of debt. You know Lee Anne and Jonathan are getting married in Phoenix in Jan., The Donne Conference's HUGE 25th anniversary bash is in late February, and....wait for it....Alan Rickman is directing The Creditors in NYC in April AND he's giving a chat on it April 27!!! It's a Tuesday, but I'm sooooo going anyhow. I'll stay with aisling_door Squee. Join us if your schedule permits.


ellymelly October 21 2009, 03:48:29 UTC
OMG YOU ARE BACK WITH PICTURES AND SQUEENESS *elly tacklehugs and then sits down to read your post*

actual comments to follow!


birdgirl78 October 21 2009, 23:20:55 UTC
I am back home! And with pics and videos and a whole bunch of mess to sort out. LOL. I'm hoping to get around to doing the picspam this weekend. I've also got to make sure it's all right with all the ladies if I post their pics. I'm going to friends lock the entry, but still....I'd want to be asked.

What have you been doing with yourself (other than letting your OTP eat your brain)? ROFL

*glomps Elly*


ellymelly October 21 2009, 23:56:58 UTC
yes... sorry about that OTP completely destroyed me. i can't help it. it is my serious weakness. LOL

other than that though, i've been writing company reports for our joint venture with I B M . GODS it is so tedius and boring and long - and on top of that, i'm writing training manuals for my stint down in sydney next week where i have to go and train staff in our opperating systems. *HEAD HITS DESK* save me... LOL


birdgirl78 October 22 2009, 00:02:09 UTC
I am totally understanding of the way that OTPs prey upon brains like zombies. Holmes/Watson ATE an entire weekend for me last month.

*crosses fingers for the IBM thing* Sorry it's boring--this is why I don't teach technical writing--I just can't put up with all the pissy, prissy little details of that type. Um, yeah, so that's probably why I'm not so good with html either ROFL

Is there any way to inject your OTP or Mr. Rickman into the operating systems training? *I feel a dare coming on*


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