Your head warden is RICARDO IRVING. As he likes to call himself, a business man with standards. He believes that running such a prison is a good business opportunity, and no longer will people look down on him for the things he's been striving for. He's generally in a good mood, but if anyone ticks him off, he's not afraid to go over the deep end to get revenge. He will be broadcasting the morning announcements, along with supervising the events.
The Doctor is a woman with a sadistic streak a mile wide. Her name is unknown to inmates. She will be assisting in punishment games and other similar things. She's often spotted with the head warden, Ricardo Irving, in head office, despite that the pair don't seem to get along.
The guards are nearly identical to one another. Female guards all have the same shoulder length hair, while male guards all have the same buzz cut. They speak in a monotone drawl and generally do not say much when they do. Something about them is off, and it's almost as though they aren't alive.
These special guards can be seen guarding the door that leads to the warden. Sometimes, they will go around the prison by the warden's orders and check up on the prisoners. Their names are Chan and En, they are albino twins. Their expressions rarely depict what they are feeling at the moment.