I feel really physically sick with a cold. My throat in incredibly soar, and I'm really congested, complete with headache, sneezing, and coughing
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I'm on all three of those medications myself right now. What I usually do to help feel better is I go to the store and get those losanges that are pretty much just full Vit C and Zinc. That helps out a lot. Other than that I suppose youll just have to rest as much as often until it passes. If it gets worse you could always do a little research on google or call up your doctor and ask. I also didn't know that you couldn't take otc medicines for colds. What exactly does it do? Some kind of overdose?
I didn't either, but when I was in the hospital last week they said that some of the meds interact with pseudoephedrine (which is in most cold meds) and can cause Serotonin Syndrome, so I was told it was not a good idea to take any.
little late to the game, I know. but I only just started on Cymbalta and Seroquel today, so I was looking back in the old tags.
anyhow, did the nurses say anything more on the matter of OTC cold meds? I'm going to look up studies of pseudoephedrine+duloxetine interactions, but I wasn't sure if you had any additional information either.
I don't know. A while after this post I started having some issues with a lot more OTC meds, and we still haven't figured out if which (if any) of my meds are involved with it, so I can't really say much to that. The best thing is always to talk to your doctor. There are some decongestants that do not contain pseudoephedrine, so you can take them without worrying about that meds interaction. Ask the pharmacist to come help you find OTC meds that will work for you.
But I still get lots of colds (because I have lung issues as well), and things that help a lot are hot showers to clear out your lungs and sinuses, rest, LOTS of fluids, and good food. Technically all the scientific studies show that Vitamin C only helps BEFORE you're sick (not once you're sick), but eating the best balance of food you can always helps. Let me know if you want any more tips on how to care for colds etc without medications.
Zinc based lozanges work well for a lot of people, the thing with those is to watch that you don't take too many as it is possible to build up too much of the metal in your body and then you'll have yet another health problem on your hands.
While it won't necessarily make the symptoms go away right away, consuming at least 2000mg of vitamin C per day while you are feeling ill will help support your immune system, along with large quantities of plain simple water (not juice, pop, tea, coffee or any juice crystals added) as this will really help your body to flush out the offending microbes and any toxins that may be building up in your body.
can you drink with your meds? i dont mean get drunk but can you have one drink? cause if you can....one shot of whiskey. lemon and a shit load of honey and drink it as hot as you can stand it(sip at it). if not chicken soup and rest usually helps too. i usually dotn take anything for colds because theyre really isnt much you can do for them anyway....
Comments 6
anyhow, did the nurses say anything more on the matter of OTC cold meds? I'm going to look up studies of pseudoephedrine+duloxetine interactions, but I wasn't sure if you had any additional information either.
But I still get lots of colds (because I have lung issues as well), and things that help a lot are hot showers to clear out your lungs and sinuses, rest, LOTS of fluids, and good food. Technically all the scientific studies show that Vitamin C only helps BEFORE you're sick (not once you're sick), but eating the best balance of food you can always helps. Let me know if you want any more tips on how to care for colds etc without medications.
While it won't necessarily make the symptoms go away right away, consuming at least 2000mg of vitamin C per day while you are feeling ill will help support your immune system, along with large quantities of plain simple water (not juice, pop, tea, coffee or any juice crystals added) as this will really help your body to flush out the offending microbes and any toxins that may be building up in your body.
cause if you can....one shot of whiskey. lemon and a shit load of honey and drink it as hot as you can stand it(sip at it).
if not chicken soup and rest usually helps too. i usually dotn take anything for colds because theyre really isnt much you can do for them anyway....
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