Mass Effect Theme

Apr 04, 2012 13:37

Stamping Preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[X] Best Fit (don't ask for both)

Describe your personality: Generally I'm pretty calm and easy going, it takes a lot to get me riled up. On the flip side, it also takes a lot to get me to change (views, habits, thought patterns, jobs...) which can be a bit of a bugger at times. I have a tendancy to want to be doing anything other than what I'm actually doing, technically I believe it's being "avoidant". I do that a lot :P I tend to not get on well with a lot of people, I'm definitely not very social. I have no problems in being alone, in fact I prefer it. I very rarely ever get bored, and can't understand how people are bored when there is so much around them to do. I do, however, name inanimate objects. I also like big words, and know how to use them. I own 5 thesauri including one reverse thesaurus that I had to search for ages to find, so I'm absurdly proud of it. I have a bad habit of starting projects and things and then not finishing them because I lose interest or get distracted by something else. I work shift work so most of my life is taken up with sleeping, thinking about sleep, wishing for sleep, and failing to sleep.
Positive Traits: I'm very loyal and generous with my friends and loved ones. I'm a very good listener and have a bit of an ability to write. I tend to be able to get other people jobs because I can write them a mean resume (unfortunately it doen't work for me *sadface*). I'm good at training and coaching. I have a fairly good sense of humour, if a bit sarcastic at times.
Negative Traits: My main one is that I'm quite lazy. If I have a choice between doing something and doing nothing, I'll usually choose doing nothing. I can be indecisive, especially if it involves making choices for other people. I am exceedingly shy and insecure. I also have escapist tendancies. I can be a bit bossy at times.
Hobbies and interests: Reading, gaming - RPGs both computer and tabletop (I DM as well as play), sleeping, attempting to write fanfic. I spend an awful lot of time in front of my computer. It's the single most expensive thing I own. He has his own name and personality. I regret nothing!
Dislikes: Cheaters and liars, people who don't keep their word. Children. White chocolate. Pollution. People who play role playing games but don't role play (seriously).
How are you described by others?: Ummm not sure to be honest. I've been called both "shy" and "sweet" by other people in the past. Also "smart", but I don't really think that I am.

Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted? Definitely introverted. I don't like a lot of people, though I have a core group of close friends. I don't like crowds and have social anxiety issues. I can (and have) have panic attacks at the thought of speaking publicly.
Optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic, or realistic? Depending on the situation, a bit of all four. I think I'm mostly optimistic though.
A leader or a follower? I'm more of a follower than a leader, but that's mainly because I'm fairly lazy and I have been burnt in leadership position previously. I have led, and led well, but politicking got the better of me, so now I try to avoid it.
Cynical or trusting? Cynical. I'll be the first to admit I'm fairly jaded.
Mature or childish? Mature with childish undertones.
Independent or dependent? Independant. To the extent that I won't ask for help if I can at all avoid it.
Cool or dorky? Dorky is cool! No, okay, I'm dorky. Definitely not cool at all.
Careful or carefree? I'm fairly careful, but I also don't have a lot of worries.
High, medium, or low energy? Low energy. I think. I'll occasionally head up into medium territory. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be in high energy mode!
Confident or modest? Modest, I think. I know I'm definitely not overly confident :P

You somehow end up on a ship that's been taken hostage. After fighting through the hordes of enemies you've reached the mastermind behind the entire plot... But he's taken some civilians hostage as well. He gives you a choice: save the hostages and let him go free, or attack and kill him but he kills the hostages in the process. Which option would you pick? I would do my darndest to try to get the best of both worlds - the freedom of the hostages as well as taking in (not necessarily down) the bad guy. If that failed though, I'd save the hostages. I can always go after the bad guy later.
Are people more likely to call you an asshole or a goody-goody? Goody goody with a few asshole tendancies.
One of your crew members questions your judgement about the new recruits on your ship. How do you handle her suspicions? Take her aside and ask why she has these questions. Is there something she knows that I don't? Assuming there is nothing pertinent to know, then assure her that I will take her thoughts into consideration, but that at the end of the day it is my decision to make. If she knows something that could change my mind... well, I'd have to go over the details very carefully.
You're forced to pick the first human member of the Council. Do you pick someone who is an excellent politician but cares too much about image... Or someone who may not know his way around politics but has humanity's best interest in mind at all times?
Someone who you thought was dead for two years has just suddenly come back but he's working for a group that opposes you. How do you greet your friend? With caution or open arms? Open arms. It's my friend! Who I thought was dead! That's amazing!!! We definitely need to go out for drinks to catch up. Lots and lots of drinks. We can discuss this group he's working for when he's drunk...
A couple of scientists are scanning keepers on the Citadel, which is against the law, but if they keep scanning there may be a technological breakthrough. Even though it's against the law would you let them continue? No. It's against the law. They need to find another way. There's always another way.
Would you say that you'd be better at negotiating or just charging in guns blazing? Negotiating. I'll keep the blazing guns for if negotiation fails.
One of your crew members expresses romantic interest in you but you have a mission to think about. How do you handle it? Do you just go along with it? I'm a sucker for romance so I'll go for it every time. In real life, my romances tend to fail. I'll fall hard and fast and it ends up tragically. But I keep falling anyway, because it's those sort of things that make you remember you're alive and you have things worth living for and doing.

Are there any characters you absolutely do not want to be voted as? (Limit to two characters) It's open slather baby!
Anything else you'd like to add? No, not really.

Link us to five unstamped applications you've voted on:

mass effect: thane

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