May 09, 2010 09:39

Way to go, kids. Two parts down! I'm proud of youse. Coincidentally, we maxed that puppy out in a month and with the same number of comments as the first part. Like always, to keep track of all the anon meme posts, simply click on the tag "anon meme."

Rules of the anon meme can now be found at this post. Read them.

- ~*A Guide to the Bioshock Anon Meme*~

- For sparkletext resources, see blindingsparkle, simcatsubame & sammy_aran.

- LJlogin. For Firefox users with multiple LiveJournal accounts (whether for roleplaying or other purposes). Handy for meme/circusofwhores rpers!

- IRC (will start a help thread) Server:
Channel: #biomeme
- If you want to post an image anonymously (otherwise you'll get an annoying placeholder), use this code:

anon meme

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