rahirah's lead ...
1) Take a screencap of your desktop
2) To cap a desktop:
For PC: Press "Print Screen" (prt sc) button
For Macs: Shift+Apple+3
3) Open your graphics program-o-choice (and open a new file)
4) Press CTRL + V or go to "edit & paste"
5) Save image as a JPEG (you may have to flatten it first if your graphics program pastes in layers)
6) Upload the screen cap to your image server.
7) Reply to this entry with A LINK TO your screencap. Along with any explanations you feel are necessary.
8) Post your cap in YOUR LJ along with these instructions
normally, my desktop is wallpaper-free. i've been looking at this one since the start of march. not pretty as Spike, although Tux the linux mascot also likes to suck. :)