3. The absence of a door causes a crowd to gather around the room without a door? Not a lot going on at this school, is there?
True. In my university days, if it was the morning on a class day and I walked by a dorm room with a missing door, I would probably wonder about it briefly before heading to class.
Mike doesn't notice the lack of door. He gets out of bed and undresses. Does he not shower? Is he a night-time shower-taker? For some reason, I doubt he showers at night. And who doesn't use the bathroom first, upon waking up, and before business such as getting dressed?
My guess is that Michael with his private bedroom in a dormitory also has an en suite bathroom, so that when he gets out of bed, he is used to getting naked in preparation for a shower in the bathroom he normally walks to naked.
( ... )
All these years and I still call Travolta "Barbarino"......
Pulp Fiction cured me of that habit.
All these years and the man still dances. Ah, well.....at least he was never in a Wes Anderson movie......
I like most Wes Anderson movies.
3. The absence of a door causes a crowd to gather around the room without a door? Not a lot going on at this school, is there?
True. In my university days, if it was the morning on a class day and I walked by a dorm room with a missing door, I would probably wonder about it briefly before heading to class.
Everyone else would reject the idea of a missing door entirely. After all, outside of movies and television, who steals doors?
Doors are far too difficult and you are in the danger of getting suspended for destroying university property.
THAT'S where the arc should have headed.
Right. Michael's reaction is to physically threaten the person whom he thinks did it, as opposed to reporting him to the authorities.
Because he thinks sophomore year is Grade 14. They don't have detention hall in uni but Dorko is still using playground logic.
Also because the author seems to love revenge fantasies where the hero knows exactly who did it and get his way with a limited amount of violence.
Mike doesn't notice the lack of door. He gets out of bed and undresses. Does he not shower? Is he a night-time shower-taker? For some reason, I doubt he showers at night. And who doesn't use the bathroom first, upon waking up, and before business such as getting dressed?
My guess is that Michael with his private bedroom in a dormitory also has an en suite bathroom, so that when he gets out of bed, he is used to getting naked in preparation for a shower in the bathroom he normally walks to naked.
I call bullshit that he'd have an en-suite bathroom! Research-hating Lynn of course wouldn't bother to look at some dormitories.
Trying to use words like quad in front of that dullard impresses me as being an exercise in futility.
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