New Year's Day 2024

Dec 30, 2023 00:34

The one where Mike ties up traffic while making a stupid grand gesture.

Synopsis: As they drive home, simpering about missing one another leads to Mike and Rhetta stopping to go to first base in the middle of the street and causing a traffic jam.

Summary: If you're gonna do that, park someplace, you git!!!!

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dreadedcandiru2 January 1 2024, 22:25:15 UTC
It wasn't the first time that a mechanical contrivance boomed larger and his mind than the people around him and it will not be the last. Even till the end of his life, crap will come before people.


aprilp_katje January 1 2024, 22:38:23 UTC

Until his death by "Lucky Clucky Chicken" sign.


dreadedcandiru2 January 2 2024, 00:07:33 UTC
The annoying thing is that people will say that Elly died of grief not long after while studiously ignoring what happens to a parasite when it's host dies.


howtheduck January 3 2024, 22:35:42 UTC

Not to worry. After John's funeral (the reception of which would be catered for free by the Lucky Clucky Chicken restaurant). Elly would quickly find love with her childhood sweetheart Fireman Paul Lucas or Luke Paulus.


aprilp_katje January 4 2024, 01:13:58 UTC

And she would get him to grow a moustache.


howtheduck January 4 2024, 15:50:32 UTC

Yes! Now you are making me wish Lynn had not discontinued the comic strip. That would be a delightful read. Imagine Anthony's reaction when Fireman Luke Paulus had a moustache and Elly thought he looked manly and sexy and not at all like an ancient grandfather.


aprilp_katje January 4 2024, 23:46:15 UTC

Anthony would be devastated.

OTOH, since Elly is so closely modeled after Lynn, maybe Luke Paulus growing the 'stache would cause Elly to lose respect for him.


howtheduck January 4 2024, 23:57:22 UTC

Lynn liked the stache on Anthony but no one else did. If anything Luke Paulus would rescue people using his moustache.


aprilp_katje January 5 2024, 00:06:15 UTC

It's not just a moustache; it's also a lasso!


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