[icons] SGA, TW, 30 Rock

Jun 15, 2007 22:57

[32] SGA (including one of that Flanigan dude)
[10] Torchwood
[11] 30 Rock

Most Some of these are a couple of months old, my apologies if they feel dusty. +swirls duster+ And also lots of variations. Msorry?


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icons: 30 rock, icons: torchwood, icons: stargate atlantis, icons: all

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Comments 74

janne_d June 15 2007, 22:27:12 UTC
Ooh, purty. I'm grabbing 11, 13 (I can't decide which I like better), 30, 2 and 20.


bingbulette June 15 2007, 22:49:31 UTC
(I can't decide which I like better)
Oh I'm the same! That's where all those variations come from, because I can never choose! ;)

Thank you!


lillyjk June 15 2007, 23:34:03 UTC
gorgeous! snagging 4 & 40!


bingbulette June 16 2007, 10:46:11 UTC
I'm glad you like 'em. :)


(The comment has been removed)

bingbulette June 16 2007, 10:47:13 UTC
Thank you! :D


tmz_cori June 16 2007, 00:33:40 UTC
Oooooh!! Pretty icons! angsty mcshep icons! ianto icons! owen icons! I can't decide which one to take, damnit! Going to take #14 and #35 for sure


bingbulette June 16 2007, 10:48:09 UTC
+lol+ Take your time! ;)

I have honestly no idea where those Owen icons come from! +lol+


karinv June 16 2007, 01:29:00 UTC
I loved these, took SGA 13, 14 and 30.


bingbulette June 16 2007, 10:49:44 UTC
Thank you!


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