[graphic novel] The One Where Everyone Is Addicted

Jun 18, 2006 21:20

Title: The One Where Everyone Is Addicted
For artword, Challenge 006B - Duet Remix
Artist & Author: neos_icons and bingbulette
Summary: Rodney starts a business. Also, crack.
Ressources: caps by newkidfan, stock photo from stock xchng
Note: Proof that people (= me) are too stupid to read: The guidelines clearly say that the page-format should be 750x1400 px, of course I realized this when everything was finished in a different format. Oops? Sorry :/

y_ctrl was kind enough to look this over for us. :)

page 01
page 02

click on the pages for a full view, not dial-up friendly

fanart: all, fanart: stargate atlantis, challenges

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