The Fourth Annual "I Challenge You to Challenge Me" Challenge!

May 16, 2009 22:39

In what I hope to be an annual event, I'm doing this (otherwise known as "Force Me to be Creative for You!") again. I started it way back in 2006, when I lifted an innocuous meme from gypsyjr, and I'm going to keep doing it once a year until I get it right, or until you people storm the castle and force me to stop ( Read more... )

fanfiction, creative

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Comments 32

scarfman May 17 2009, 04:11:02 UTC

When you say these scenarios "have been used before", do you mean people have made these requests to this meme or that there are stories already existing that could and ought to be linked to? Because at least one challenge I was going to offer you is already on this list.
And since I didn't feel I could complain about that without offering a challenge too: Bathtime M*A*S*H


billfl May 17 2009, 13:47:46 UTC
I meant they have been done by other challenges before, but again, if you have an idea, by all means don't let previous use stop you. I guess I need to stop including those with the challenge so as not to inhibit the process.

Bathtime M*A*S*H? That can work.


Paul's Story - "Operational Status" billfl May 19 2009, 03:56:08 UTC
Title: Operational Status
Author: Bill L.
Size: Drabble
Summary: Before you begin, you run through the checklist
Challenge: Bathtime M*A*S*H
Disclaimer: M*A*S*H owned by 20th Century Fox. You Tell 'Em, Ferret Face!

By Bill Livingston
"Scalpel?" Pierce inquired.

"Check," McIntyre confirmed.









"Lounge Chairs?"



"Check and double check - full pitcher with a fresh jar of olives."

"Excellent! Lookout, I assume you've been briefed on your duties?"

"You betcha," Radar nodded. "First sight of Major Houlihan, I give you two sirs the high sign."

"Very good, Swifty. Time, Watson?"

McIntyre ostentatiously brought his watch to his face. "Quarter to six - 1545, Army Standard Time, and the nurses' shower opens in 15 minutes. Shall we begin our prep?" he asked, brandishing the scissors.

"Gowns and gloves!" Hawkeye smirked.


rednerd May 17 2009, 08:41:38 UTC
I intend to make you suffer again, Mr. Livingston! It's been far too long, and I'm amazed I missed the last two runs. However, I shall not miss this opportunity! Knock yourself out on the length.

Book-Reading Dollhouse
Falling-Down-A-Lot Angel
Pregnant Crow
Bathtime Buffy
Drunker-than-all-get-out Bones


billfl May 17 2009, 13:48:45 UTC
*Knocking Myself Out*
*Medical Insurance Premium Increase*


Roland's First Story (#2) - "Have a Nice Trip" billfl May 21 2009, 05:05:43 UTC
Title: Have a Nice Trip
Author: Bill L.
Size: Double Drabble
Summary: Angel hits the deck. Constantly!
Challenge: Falling-Down-A-Lot Angel
Disclaimer: "Angel" owned by Mutant Enemy productions. Grrr Arrgh!

By Bill Livingston
"Guys, tell me you're making progress here," Angel pleaded, slowly dragging himself to his feet for the 37th time.

"Some," Wesley said, then added ruefully, "But not much."

"How much?"

"None really," Fred admitted.


"Just what's in these seven books, and that's about it."

"Aw c'mon, there's got to be..." The rest of Angel's sentence was cut off as he tripped over his own feet yet again and the floor smacked him.

"If it helps," Lorne offered from the other side of the room, I could always do a couple of verses of 'Stumbling In'."

"Ow!" Angel said in response to both the tumble and Lorne's comment. He shot a hard look at Gunn, who was trying hard not to laugh. "Y'know, it may look funny, but you try being the one who can't walk more ( ... )


Re: Roland's First Story (#2) - "Have a Nice Trip" rednerd May 24 2009, 00:50:37 UTC
haha, love it! I could so see this as an episode of Angel. Combine that with Puppet Angel and you have comedy gold!


jhall1 May 17 2009, 09:16:15 UTC
We already did pregnant Star Trek in another place, of course. So this time, how about pregnant Enterprise, featuring T'Pol and/or Hoshi?


billfl May 17 2009, 13:49:17 UTC
Hmmm, you;ve given me an evil idea. Bwahahah!


jhall1 May 17 2009, 13:59:59 UTC
Evil is fun. :)


Jon's Story - "The Mommy Club" billfl May 31 2009, 03:13:32 UTC
Title: The Mommy Club
Author: Bill L.
Size: Triple Drabble
Summary: It turns out that how they got that way isn't the biggest mystery.
Challenge: Pregnant Hoshi and/or T'Pol
Note: Takes place after the final Enterprise storyline and before "These are the Voyages".
Disclaimer: "Enterprise" owned by Paramount in association with CBS Entertainment. It's been a long road getting from there to here.

The Mommy Club
By Bill Livingston
An upset Ensign Sato shook her head as she clutched her distended stomach. "It's like we said, Captain. I went with T'Pol to investigate what we thought was an intermittent subspace signal, but when we got to the clearing it was deserted. Then there was just that bright flash of light and..."

"It struck before we could report in," the Vulcan woman added from the biobed opposite Hoshi's. "We came to only when were revived by Commander Tucker, by which time we were already in this condition," indicating her own rotund belly ( ... )


nsingman May 18 2009, 00:50:39 UTC
Pregnant Uhura! Original series, of course.


billfl May 18 2009, 23:04:53 UTC
OK, but just because today's your birthday.


Noah's Story - "Making the Call" billfl June 1 2009, 04:38:49 UTC
Title: Making the Call
Author: Bill L.
Size: Double Drabble
Summary: Uhura's news settles an issue - or does it?
Challenge: Pregnant Uhura (TOS version)
Disclaimer: "Star Trek" owned by Paramount in association with CBS Entertainment. Moving from "Nichols" to "Saldana" in just 11 steps.

By Bill Livingston"I'm the father ( ... )


Re: Noah's Story - "Making the Call" jhall1 June 1 2009, 09:04:10 UTC
Great story!


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