The Fourth Annual "I Challenge You to Challenge Me" Challenge!

May 16, 2009 22:39

In what I hope to be an annual event, I'm doing this (otherwise known as "Force Me to be Creative for You!") again. I started it way back in 2006, when I lifted an innocuous meme from gypsyjr, and I'm going to keep doing it once a year until I get it right, or until you people storm the castle and force me to stop.

Under the cut, you'll find two listings: one of different types of scenes, the other of a number of fictitious universes in which I feel I am competent (insert snarky comments here) to write a story.

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to choose one from each list and I'll write a story based on your choice. Choosing a particular character (only one per) is nice, but not required (you can choose, for example, Willow, or just pick the entire "Buffy" series and I'll find someone to work the mojo on). You can also, if you like, choose the length of your story - Drabble (100 words exactly, not counting title, codes, etc), Double Drabble (same as before, only 200 words) or longer-form (Anything goes! Ask around!).

If you want, request multiple stories. Go on, make me suffer.

My commitment is to have your scene done and posted within a couple of days, but if volume goes up (unlikely but possible), it may require more time. When they're all complete, I'll post each (separately or together, depending on the number) to my fic journal, bill_brains_inc.

If you want to see what I managed to do before, here are the results from each of the three previous years.

As always, results may vary. Consult physician if story lasts more than four hours.

1. Naughty _____
2. Happy _____
3. Exhausted _____
4. Angsty _____
5. Poorly-Sick-And-Dying _____
6. Horny _____
7. Pregnant _____
8. Excited _____
9. Book-Reading _____
11. Jealous ______
12. Kidnapped _____
13. Caring _____
14. Utterly Shocked _____
15. Obedient _____
16. Stubborn _____
17. Naive _____
18. Bored _____
19. Greedy _____
20. Daring _____
21. Exploring _____
22. Swimming-In-The-Buff-_____
23. Bathtime _____
24. Drunker-than-all-get-out _____
25. Morose _____
26. Falling-Down-A-Lot _____
27. Well-shagged _____
28. Kickass _____

Fan Universes
1. Star Trek
2. Star Trek: TNG
3. Star Trek: DS9
4. Star Trek: Voyager
5. Enterprise
6. Star Trek: AOS (Alternate Original Series, aka the JJ Abrams Movie Version)
7. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
8. Angel
9. Dollhouse
10. The X-Files
11. Stargate SG-1
12. Mystery Science Theater 3000
13. Charmed
14. Bones
15. Monk
16. DC Comics Universe
17. Marvel Comics Universe
18. M*A*S*H
19. Daria
20. Sports Night
21. The West Wing
22. Law & Order (Mothership only, no SVU or CI)
23. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
24. The Closer
25. The NAC adventures of L Neil Smith
26. The Tick
27. Fringe
28. Twin Peaks

Story Length
Knock Myself Out

Also, while I'd like to avoid repeats, I'm not going to be all crazy about it. Here are all the scenarios that have been used so far:

Losing His Cherry Tom Servo
Well-Shagged Arthur (from 'The Tick')
Swimming-in-the-Buff Buffy
Naughty X-Files
Exhausted Enterprise
Pregnant Gypsy
Horny Crow
Pregnant Daria
Naughty Buffy
Swimming_In_The_Buff Stargate SG-1
Poorly-Sick-And-Dying Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Caring MST3K

fanfiction, creative

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