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Comments 5

maypoles February 26 2012, 16:20:45 UTC
I knowwwww. Such conflicting feelings!

It can be so much fun, but sometimes there's such random horribleness. In the last ep, there's this one part where Kurt tells Quinn that her pregnant girl problems were nothing compared to what he's been through and she was like HOW OFFENSIVE TO COMPARE OUR PAIN and I was like, YEAH, GIRL, but I'm not sure we were supposed to side with her? I don't know what they're trying to tell us half the time, and I'm sensitive to making comparisons to pain right now on SPN too, and I was like arghhhhh. /ramble

Also, there was a lot of cheesy-ness that made me facepalm.


biketest February 26 2012, 17:53:44 UTC
Yeah, that made me so angry! Jeez Kurt, you don't have to be gay to be depressed. That's one of the reasons I'm not a fan of Kurt at all. (Plus he thought that it 'wasn't fair' that he wouldn't be able to get into college because he didn't have enough extracurriculars. Um, Kurt, it's your own fault that you didn't do anything except Glee club for 4 years...) I loved what Quinn said to him too, but I think you're right that they wanted us to side with Kurt.

Also a couple episodes ago when Mercedes told Ms. Pillsbury about kissing Sam and she gave her a pamphlet that said "So You're A Two-Timin' Ho" was just awful. Calling a teenage girl a whore is so offensive and completely unfunny to me.

You're right about the cheesiness, and I didn't think they dealt with the suicide issues well at all. Half the time I watch the show I'm thinking about how much I hate it - and then I go read fanfiction about it for hours. Sigh.


mad_server March 26 2012, 14:04:17 UTC
I have the Glee conflictedness toooooo. I hardly care about any of them anymore, and yet WHEN THEY SING IT IS SO GOOD, except I don't like most of the songs they choose, BUT THEN THEY CHOOSE A GOOD ONE AND I'M LIKE AUGHHH. Damn them and their enticing heightened reality.


biketest March 26 2012, 18:21:54 UTC
Haha, personally I'm not too into the music they do. Most of the time I just skip the songs, oops. I thought their Michael Jackson songs were amazing though, especially Man in the Mirror. But yeah I pretty much just care about Finn, Puck, and Quinn and either dislike or don't care about everyone else. I can barely even watch Klaine scenes anymore.

P.S. I am still working on the fill for your river otters prompt! I got an extension for it until today, and I probably won't make the deadline but I will post it eventually!!


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