Really? They spent the whole time playing Yahtzee? Shoot me.

Sep 14, 2009 00:36

Well, it's over, thank god. I can stop making these picspams for a while now :P

Eric: How long does this game go on for?
Sophie-Anne: We play to five million.
Hadley: She's way ahead.
SA: It's pure luck. Yahtzee is the most egalitarian game in the world. You could be my social, physical, or intellectual inferior, but your chances are equal to mine. It's the perfect antidote for this world where things such as superiority and inferiority do matter. Oh, um, speaking of which, I heard about your maker. That blows.

E: Thank you. Your Majesty is very kind -
SA: Yahtzee!
H: That's six in a row!
Ludis: It is magic.
SA: I do not cheat. What would be the point? I'm sorry, you were saying?
E: I was just saying, thank you, your Majesty is very kind -
SA: Oh yes, now I remember. Did you know there's a maenad in Renard Parish?
E: Yes, that is the reason I came to see you, your Majesty.
SA: I wouldn't get involved if I were you. Stick to what you're good at. I gave William Compton a few bits of hand-me-down folklore we've accumulated over the centuries, but who knows if it's gospel or gorilla shit.

SA: You know, I think he's monogamous with his human.
SA: He is in love with her, yes.
H: He is?
SA: Well, of course he would be, with her. You probably are, too.
E: I do not love humans.
SA: She's not entirely human. Have you tasted her?
E: Sadly no.
SA: Don't. Ever. One vampire falling in love is bad enough.

E: Yes, Bill Compton certainly has a knack for finding trouble.
SA: For instance, how does he know I'm having you sell vampire blood? The guards hear everything.
E: Your majesty, I'm sorry, there's no way he could -
SA: That is really bad.
E: *whispers* He does not know that you are supplying it.

*Sophie-Anne jumps him*
SA: He better not. I'm holding you responsible.
*Eric's fangs come out*
SA: Ahh, there they are. Aren't yours lovely? You may be the strongest, oldest vampire in my queendom, but if I wanted, I could own your fangs as earrings, understand?
E: I will take care of Bill Compton. Personally.
L: Ahem. Your turn to make Yahtzee.
*Eric rolls the dice*
SA: You suck at this.

- Blah blah Sookie has special powers. Blah blah Bill came to her rescue and was a dick about it (seriously, maybe if you whispered to her that you had a plan and to go with the flow and not freak out? that would've been nice, but no, you were a dick, Bill. again.). Sam, however, was awesome.

- I'm curious about the scene between Eric and the Queen, because she talked about Sookie's non-humanness like it was common knowledge. Wouldn't it have made more sense if the Queen knew but Eric didn't? I mean, sure, he probably would've already had an inkling that Sookie was special, but now that they've made it clear that both Eric and the Queen know Sookie is not human, than it seems strange that the Queen would go through all that trouble to enlist Bill to "get" Sookie for her when she could've easily asked Eric to keep his eye on her (as he would not disobey her). Okay, sure, she'd still be making a power play even if Eric knew of Sookie's specialness, using Bill to make sure that Sookie was more tied to the Queen than to Eric. But it's still overkill. I dunno. It seemed strange to me.

- Oh ho, so Sophie-Anne is behind the vampire-blood-selling-scheme. I wonder what that's all about. Interesting. And also, I like that Bill has nothing to hold over Eric. His threats in the previous episode were pointless and stupid. Poorly played, Bill.

- I'm surprised the Queen doesn't tell Eric to back off when he essentially threatens to take care of Bill. I mean, she's still using Bill to get to Sookie, and Eric doesn't know that. Maybe she says nothing because she doesn't want to tip Eric off that she favors Bill, I dunno.

- I wanted Eric to react to Hadley's reaction about Bill being in love with Sookie. I mean, he doesn't know her and it would've been a nice touch for him to be suspicious that she'd have a reaction to something about two people she presumably doesn't know. Because then that could start the whole Eric cluing into the fact that there's something hinky going on between the Queen and Bill (due to the information provided by Sookie's cousin, Hadley).

- Alex was channeling Brad Colbert quite a bit in this episode. Like when the Queen was talking dumb shit and he just looked at her, sort of like he couldn't believe what he was seeing/hearing, but he couldn't saying anything back? Very Brad. Or when she told him it blew that Godric died, and he was like :| and said "Thank you" in his Colbert voice - it reminded me of something in GK though I can't quite recall it at the second. It was a bit like after Nate gives his "we pet a burning dog" speech, but not exactly.

- NGL, even though I think ERW is not the best actress, I still thought the kissing/fang-licking was hot :P

- I totally skimmed the end, and I guess Bill proposes to Sookie, which is just dumb, I'm sorry, and I'm glad she freaked out and initially said no, but then she got all googly-eyed while trying on the ring and ugh, stab me with a spork, that was sappy. But yay, Bill got kidnapped. I'm guessing Lorena. Eric would be too obvious a choice.

All in all, I enjoyed S2 a whole lot more than S1, but only because there was a lot more Eric and his scenes are the only ones I watch. For all I know, the rest of the show sucked. In fact, it probably did. Oh well, I live for the day where I can watch an entire season all the way through without skipping anything. So far that hasn't happened yet.

ETA: Book spoilers in the comments.

picspam, true blood/southern vampire series, tv

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