"Trust me."

Aug 10, 2009 03:57

I can't believe I spent like four hours doing this. LOL, oh well, it's well worth the effort, I think. This episode had so many scenes of Eric being hot and funny and tall that it was hard to pick. And all that smiling, plus the return of the racerback tanktop? Yum.

Sookie: Why didn't you bring Bill with you?
Eric: His attachment to you is irrational. It clouds his judgment. He would kill every child in this church to save you.
S: Why aren't you?
E: I'm following Godric's orders and getting you out - that's all.
S: He's your maker, isn't he?
E: Don't use words you don't understand.
S: You have a lot of love for him.
E: Don't use words I don't understand.

S: Eric, no!
E: Trust me.

E: Oh hey y'all, how's it goin'? Steve sent me over to, uh, man the exit here. Think I can take it from here.
Man #1: By yourself?
E: Uh, yeah.
Man #1: You're big and all, but there's vampire loose.
E: Oh...
Man #2: Where's your stake?
E: Oh, dang. I forgot *chuckles* Maybe I can borrow yours, i-if that's okay?
Man #3: I can't do that. Get your own.
E: *glamours* I very much would like to borrow your stake.
Man #3: Yeah, that'd be okay, I guess.
*Man #1 sneaks up behind Eric*
S: Stake!... Eric, you don't have to kill him.

S: The vampire you're holding prisoner got away. He's a sheriff. He's bound to send for help.
Newlin: I'm not concerned with Godric. Any vampire will do for our grand celebration, and we got one right here.
E: I'll be fine.

E: I-I offer myself in exchange for Godric's freedom. And the girl's, as well.
N: That's noble, but she's just as culpable as you are. She's a traitor to her race. The human race. She hardly deserves mercy. Maybe we should tie her to you so you can meet the sun together. Oh this marshmallow would roast up nicely.

E: *to Sookie* Are you sure you're okay?
Bill: She's fine. Go with your maker.

E: Hail the conquering hero.
Jason: Oh no, I'm no hero.
E: But you are in this town. But in my area we know you well as a buyer and user of vampire blood. And that's a very grave offense.
J: Yeah, listen, I-I don't do that anymore.
E: Well things considered, however, we'll call it even. But you won't be doing it again.
J: Yeah - no, no! Got it.
E: Good boy. Run along.

S: What kept you?
B: I was held.
S: Held? Like kidnapped? By who? By Eric?
E: Mmmmmm, I heard my name. I hope you are speaking well of me.
S: Why should I? You let me walk into a trap.
E: I regret that. If I had known it was a possibi-
S: You did know. But because it was Godric, you'd risk anything.
E: The bond between a vampire and his maker is stronger than you can imagine. Perhaps one day you'll find out.

E: I don't like being touched.
B: Oh believe me, I do not like touching you. Your contact with Sookie will cease from this moment.
E: Now that's hardly your decision.
B: Calling in my maker because you couldn't win Sookie for yourself - that's feeble and desperate even for you.
E: Are you picking a fight? I'd like to see you try.
B: She will never be yours. And there's nothing you can do. In this you are powerless. Accept it.

*brain implodes*

Is it Sunday yet?

picspam, true blood/southern vampire series, tv

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