Private Dancer 7/8 (DW/SB)

Jan 09, 2007 17:15

banner made by the lovely lhiam

Title: Private Dancer 7/8 (DW/SB)
Pairing: David Wenham / Sean Bean
Rating: NC-17 over all
Beta: the wonderful helena_s_renn
Warnings: AU, kind of a songfic…
Summary: David’s a hooker and Sean is his client…
Feedback: Welcome!
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, it’s just for fun and no profit is being made.
It's not meant to imply anything about the sexual practices of anyone mentioned herein.

(also posted for the fanfic100 challenge / prompt 009.Months / 3216 words)


The next year had been hard on them both. Sean wasn’t able to make it to Australia in spring like he had hoped, due to some work-related issues. Actually he worked a lot, trying to distract himself from the pain of not being able to be together with David. It had felt so much more possible after admitting it to his daughter.

They still talked together on the phone every second day and would exchange letters once a week. Through all this their relationship had changed a lot, so much that they had already almost forgotten how they’d gotten together in the first place. They had become not only lovers but best friends as well, both of them knowing more about the other than anyone else did.

With the first letter Sean had sent some money but immediately stopped after David had sent it back wordlessly with his first answer. Now instead he sent a new cookbook with every letter, knowing quite well that David couldn’t resist such a temptation.

And David loved them immensely, wondering where Sean got them all, some were even in French. He couldn’t understand French but still looked at the marvelous pictures of the different dishes. His small apartment was filled with books everywhere but it didn’t matter since there wasn’t many other things left.

Like Karl had guessed, he had not been able to go back to work. After his wounds had healed he had really tried hard, but failed miserably. Marton had been very nice, though, and let him work in the call centre, taking clients’ calls and arranging the schedules for the other guys. But it wasn’t enough money at all and left him with a lot of time on his hands. He had finally sold all the items clients had given him and paid a cooking course with it. So far all his experience had come from his childhood memories, watching his mother in the kitchen, or some cooking shows on the TV. For once he wanted to know all the details and all the tricks.

Apart from the little bit of money he now earned, he lived mostly on his savings. Nearly all of it was gone by now and he had started to sell other items as well. The hardest thing to sell had been the CD-player because afterwards he hadn’t been able to listen to their CD any longer.

He didn’t tell Sean about any of it. He knew that the Brit would have sent money again and David was simply too proud to take it. He only hoped that he could find employment as a cook very soon after finishing the course.

Marton and Karl often invited him for dinner, and Marton especially was worried that David grew too thin, being quite aware that he couldn’t meet ends with so little money. But everything he tried didn’t work. David would simply refuse more money for the job he was doing.

Months went by and it was Christmas Eve again. David had to break with his cooking tradition. He simply couldn’t afford the expensive ingredients. Instead he went to buy something for a cheap pasta dish.

It was a day when Sean would usually call but the hour had passed without a call and David couldn’t afford a call of himself. He’s probably with his girls, he scolded himself but there had been still a tiny hope in the back of his mind that Sean might come over for Christmas. Not that he had mentioned anything like that, but it could always be that Sean wanted to surprise him, right?

Unconsciously David had cooked a lot more pasta than necessary for one person. He sat in the kitchen and waited. Not much to distract himself with anyway; the TV set had gone together with the CD player.

But the hours passed by and there wasn’t a ringing of the doorbell or the phone, either. Disappointed, David started to eat. It still tasted good but he really had no appetite at all. His modest dinner was accompanied by some mulled wine, which he took from the packages that he had stored there last year already.

After some time he simply didn’t bother any longer with heating the wine up. It didn’t taste so dreadful the more he drank.

Sighing, he grabbed the package and his most favourite cooking book to cuddle up in bed. He was tired, groggy, and didn’t want to think any longer. Due to the alcohol it wasn’t long before sleep came over him.

He was awoken in the middle of the night by an insistent ringing. Groaning about the noise in his already aching head, his fingers wandered to the alarm clock, trying to shut it off. But the ringing didn’t stop; disorientated like David was, it took him some time to realize that it was coming from the door.

He stumbled out of bed, scuttling to the door; when he opened it his breath caught in his throat.

“Sean…” he breathed in a low voice, not really believing that it was nothing more than a dream and Sean would disappear the moment he said his name out loud.

“Yeah, baby, I’m sorry…I wanted to be here earlier but the flight was delayed!”

Sean stepped into the apartment, his arms open wide, ready to embrace the younger man. But instantly David turned on his heels and he just barely made it to the bathroom in time before emptying his stomach into the toilet.

Sean was dumbstruck for a moment when David fled from him, but after hearing the tell-tale noises from the bathroom, he went there and was instantly kneeling down at David’s side, supporting him with his hand on the redhead’s back.

The emotional turmoil together with the cheap alcohol had been too much for David, making him extremely sick, and he didn’t stop until everything he had eaten before landed in the toilet.

Embarrassed, he looked up. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, “I didn’t feel too well all of a sudden…”

“I can see that,” Sean teased lightly but took David into his arms when he saw the miserable and flushed look on the younger man’s face. He wetted a towel and put it into David’s neck, carefully helping him up.

David again got dizzy and leaned heavily against Sean. “You’re okay now baby?” the Brit asked.

“Yeah, I think so…”

Nevertheless, Sean’s kept his arms firmly around David’s waist, supporting him while he rinsed his mouth. After brushing his teeth, he turned around. “I can’t believe that you’re here, Sean,” he murmured and then he sunk his lips onto his lover’s.

Sean would have loved to explore on the kiss further but he felt the little shivers going though David’s thin body. He could feel the younger man lost a lot of weight. They would have a serious talk tomorrow but now his first task was to get him back into bed.

“Come on, baby,” he soothed while he led him back to the bedroom. “Let’s lie down and relax…”

David didn’t offer a lot of resistance, still wobbly on his legs. He sighed softly when Sean helped him lie down. Then the older man divested himself of his clothes and crawled under the blanket with his lover.

“Missed you, David,” he purred while he stroke his face gently.

“Missed you, too, Sean,” David replied, sniffing a bit.

“Now go back to sleep, young one,” Sean cooed, “so we’d be able to have a proper reunion party tomorrow,” he bribed.

Despite his awkward state David giggled. “Can’t wait,” he murmured sleepily.

“Can’t wait either…” Sean replied.


He awoke again when David had just returned to bed a few hours later. “Still sick?” he questioned softly and David groaned, “Yeah…it’s entirely my fault. I shouldn’t have drunk this cheap wine.”

“What about some tea, David?” Sean suggested.

”No, I’ll be fine, just hold me,” the other man refused. But Sean couldn’t get back to sleep, still confused over the jet lag.

“I’ll be back in no time,” he soothed a clinging David and then made his way into the kitchen.

He saw the remains of David’s nearly untouched dinner and the discarded empty packages of the wine. But apart from that he didn’t find a lot. The fridge was empty and so were most of the cupboards. He carefully placed the deserted dinner back in the fridge and then went back into the bedroom.

”David, where’s the tea?” But he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the younger man snoring.

The sun had already risen, throwing some light into the room and only now Sean could see how empty it was. Cookbooks everywhere and the same Christmas tree like last year but apart from that there wasn’t a lot. The shelf where David’s stereo had stood was empty apart from the photo Sean had taken last year, the CD was carefully propped against it. There was a vase with a little rose close to it but that was almost everything which was left.

“Oh, David,” he muttered, casting a loving look to the man in the bed. Then he slowly dressed himself, grabbed David’s keys, and tiptoed out of the apartment.

David felt panic rising in his chest when he awoke again to an empty flat. Had it been nothing but a dream? He fell back into the cushions, groaning softly.

But then he heard somebody at the door. “Sean?” he called out and the other man rushed to his side with some bags in his hand. “I thought you were gone again,” the younger man complained softly.

“No, I’m sorry,” Sean kissed his forehead. “I just had a few errands to run…”

He disappeared into the kitchen and David head the water running. Minutes later Sean returned with a hot mug in one hand and something hidden behind his back.

“Come on, drink the tea, it’ll do you good,” the Brit encouraged the younger man. David experimentally took a few sips of it and winced at the strong taste.

“If you’ll be a good boy, I have a surprise for you,” Sean tried to bribe him.


“Tea first, David…”

David obeyed and swallowed the whole cup of liquid; immediately afterwards he heard their music, coming from a new CD-player Sean had placed on the nightstand.

“Sean,” David whispered, tears gathering in his eyes. ”Thank you!” he added, sitting up and hugging Sean close.

When David settled down again, Sean seated himself on the edge of the bed. “Now, can you tell me what this is all about?” He gestured around at the deserted apartment.

David blushed, looking down but Sean took his chin in his hand and raised it until their gazes met. “Tell me,” he urged him.

“I wasn’t able to work any longer…” David stuttered, raising his hands in a helpless gesture.

“Why?” Sean wanted to know.

“It simply didn’t feel right…after…after we met...” the redhead stuttered.

“David, why didn’t you tell me? I would have been at your side instantly again,” Sean leaned forward until their foreheads met and they breathed each other’s breath.

“I know but…” David was lost for words, simply shrugging.

“Now I will have to do all the work in fattening you up again,” Sean teased him after a while, poking him slightly in the ribs. “You think you can eat something?”

“Mmmh…not hungry,” David mumbled while he pulled Sean further onto the bed. “At least not hungry for food…”

“So what are you hungry for?” Sean teased him although he got a pretty good idea when David’s hands rubbed against his groin, awakening his erection instantly.

“For you, for your touch, your closeness, your warmth, your body, your love,” David babbled in an endless litany while he started to open Sean’s fly.

“I think I got your point,” Sean smiled before kissing David. “And I’ve missed you, too…you have no idea how much…”

“Then hurry…” David growled and pressed the tube of lube into his lover’s hand, wiggling out of his boxer shorts and presenting his naked arse invitingly to the man he loved.

“Impatient little brat,” Sean murmured lovingly, but then he obeyed, preparing his fingers with the lube before he started to massage David’s entrance.

It felt unfamiliarly tense and when he introduced the first finger, he almost felt virginal tightness around him. David sighed and looked unbelievingly vulnerable with his lean body trembling slightly. Sean immediately withdrew his hand.

When David moaned at the loss, Sean suggested, “I have a better idea,” into his ear. He clearly remembered their first encounter and there was still something he owed to the younger man, something that would make them equals in a way.

He turned a confused-looking David around, made him lean against the headrest with the pillows to support his back. A few strokes to David’s erection had him moaning in earnest and then Sean smeared some more of the lube on his fingers, reaching behind himself.

“Come on, watch the show…this is just for you,” he hinted seductively.

David groaned again. He would have never expected that Sean would do something like this. He saw beads of sweat from concentration on Sean’s forehead, knowing that the other man probably wasn’t too comfortable with this. But Sean’s moans eased his worries and all the blood rushing to his groin stopped him from thinking at all.

“Let me be your whore today,” Sean whispered after withdrawing his fingers and slowly approaching David with a condom in his hand.

David’s hand reached out, touching the other man’s chest to soothe him, then he gripped Sean’s thigh, holding him upright while the older man took hold of David’s cock and oh so very slowly lowered himself down on David’s meanwhile latex-covered erection.

“I love my one-day whore,” David coaxed tenderly, licking at Sean’s throat to distract him from the initial pain. After all it was only Sean’s second time. But when he felt the head of his cock breaching the body above him, he closed his eyes, moaning at the sensation.

It took Sean an agonizing long time until he was finally ready to sink into David’s lap, his head falling forwards, resting on the younger man’s shoulder. Both of David’s hands were on him, caressing wherever he could reach Sean’s body. “Love you so much,” he muttered.

After some time Sean gave an experimental rock of his hips, making them both groan about the electric shocks floating through their bodies. David took Sean’s hands and all four of them closed around the Brit’s erection, stroking and rubbing in time with the pace Sean set all by himself.

Their gazes met and the confrontation of deep greens and crystal blues was almost too much for both of them. It was like a silent competition, looking for which one would be able to hold the gaze longer. They blinked, part of it because of the intense stare, part of it because two pairs of eyes slowly started to fill with water. A sob here, a sniffle there, and then it was Sean’s turn to surrender. Closing his eyes, still not used to this turmoil of feelings, his hands grabbed David’s shoulders to steady him through one last thrust and then he sobbed through his release, still keeping up with the pace until the noises he was making were mingled with the ones coming from David’s throat. He felt the warmth of David’s release through the thin latex membrane, spilling deep down inside of him.

They stayed in that position, Sean’s head still resting on David’s chest and David’s hands caressing the older man’s blonde strands. Sean was still panting, his arsehole clenching around the now soft cock buried inside him.

Finally Sean looked up, regaining his breath, but David’s caught in his throat. Sean’s expression said everything -- the love, the desire, the utmost adoration, and everything else he had ever longed for in the face of somebody who’d say he loved love him.

And then they shared a kiss, passionate and full of promises, making David feel that they were kissing for the first time.

After a while the mess in between them got sticky; still kissing each other they made it into the shower. It was nearly impossible for both their bodies to shower at the same time because David’s stall was so tiny but somehow they managed, not wanting to lose touch even for a few minutes.

Clad only in a towel, Sean dragged David into kitchen, making him sit down at the table. “Now you’re going to eat,” he growled and placed everything on the table he had just purchased hours before.

“This is enough for a whole army,” David laughed when there was no empty spot left on the table.

“Nope…it’s for two hungry lovers scheduled for sex marathon over the next days,” Sean replied, wriggling his eyebrows before he made the first sandwich for David and placed it on his plate.

David felt a lot better now and his stomach rumbled in anticipation. He finished the sandwich quickly, staring up at Sean with anticipation. “See, all done,” he said proudly.

Sean grinned but shook his head. “This will only be enough for…” he checked his watch, “the next three hours…More!” he demanded.

They passed several hours of eating and chatting until Sean got up, clearing the table and taking David with him to the other room again.

“Now it’s time to open your pressies,” he announced. Irritated, David looked under the tree to find nothing there but Sean got three envelopes from his bag and handed them to David. They had numbers on them, one, two, three, which made David curious.

Settling comfortablly into bed, he started to open the first envelope, gasping when he found a first class ticket to London, printed in his name.

“Sean…” he questioned in an insecure voice.

“Don’t say anything until you’ve opened all three of them,” Sean encouraged him.

The second contained some photos. It looked like a deserted restaurant, somewhere in the city.

“It’s a good place,” Sean told him, “right in the center of London. The former owner had to give it up because of his age…I have an option on it…”

“Don’t,” he carried on when David started to made a dismissive gesture. “I consider it purely as an investment and I’ll get every penny back out of it,” he added with a grin.

David smiled, too. He loved the way Sean tried to persuade him.

“There’s still one envelope left,” Sean urged him and with shaking hands David opened the last one. It was a Christmas card with handwriting unfamiliar to David, but finally he could figure it out:

Dear David,
I wish you a very happy Christmas, hoping that for once my father is behaving.
I don’t know you yet but I’d love to meet the unique person who was able to capture the heart of my father.
Lorna Bean

Tears from David’s eyes were dropping down onto the card.

“There’s a penthouse on top of this restaurant, big enough for us two…come with me, David?” Sean’s last phrase was almost lost because instantly he had a lapful of David, showering him with kisses all over.

“Yes,” David answered solemnly.


Back to chapter 6
On to chapter 8

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