Comment and I will...
1. Tell you why I friended you
2. Associate you with something - a song, a colour, a photo, etc.
3. Tell you something I like about you.
4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
5. Associate you with a character.
6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
7. Tell you my favourite user picture of yours.
8. In return,
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Comments 7
2. the photo of us all reservoir dogs-ing it out of a tent
3. you always have time for people
4. sitting in the chair high on dragons blood, and the knock out tecenique
5. elma fud, dont know why as you dont look or act like him but there is just something kool about him
6. whats ya next 'Strom character gonna be?
7. the current one
Haven`t a clue, see what takes my notice should the evil day come.
2. the picture of the lady in purple from vampire the mascerade
3. your wrath, its soft enough to show you cair but strong enough to give purpus
4. wakeing up in your tent at and LT event and having to break open the tent cos there was frost on the out side
5. a big green, small pink, human, ork, paladin, cleric :P
6. can i be a tziminisee :D
7. the one of your hands or the cat one :D
2. highway to hell
3. your helpful nature
4. any of your driving styles
5. being a THURELY NICE person
6. why dont we do stuff out side of "the monday game" and "larp"
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