I'm Rubbin' It!

Feb 01, 2009 10:07

Yeah, I know I said I was gonna post more, but jeez! I'm busy y'all!

Actually, mostly I've been busy fighting off the crud that attacked my sinuses last week, and I refused to let it get to my chest. Lots of rest, lots of fluids, taking it easy instead of partying like a rock star off the wagon ( Read more... )

massages, friends, bearracuda

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Comments 16

:o( huxbear February 1 2009, 20:36:47 UTC
It's hard to feel respected, sometimes, when your work isn't given the hard-currency that's an undeniable sign that someone's appreciated your efforts.

Was the one event at a different time (pay-wise) in the month than this one, mebbe? Sometimes I notice that people are willing to spend closer to having *just* been paid than they are when they're coming *up* to a pay-day, with "discretionary funds" feeling a little tighter... Regardless, though, I would hope they were at least *otherwise* demonstrably grateful for your work on them...


Re: :o( bigreddee February 3 2009, 06:29:21 UTC
Hard to say if it was an end of the month thing...it was two weeks from the last one, which tells me the paychecks were the same. The thing that sucks harder is that some of these people were repeats from last time (two weeks ago, and at least one of them didn't tip either time. And yet, he was standing there waiting for his free rubbing. Grr.


Re: :o( huxbear February 3 2009, 15:45:36 UTC
Sounds like a lot of just-plain "self-obsessedness" (hey, it might not be a word, but at least it sounds better than "obsessedishness", right? ;o) ). And the 2nd guy, waiting in line for his "FREE RUB!!!"??? Just rude. :o(

And you just *know* his response would be something in the class of "What? It's free -- says so right there!" if the subject of gratuities were ever brought to his attention... [[grrrr]]


joebehrsandiego February 1 2009, 21:53:41 UTC
Donovan -

It sounds like - at a minimum - this was good experience/education for you, relative to both doing the work, and how you approach the work relative to what -space (head and physical) you're in.

As to the tipping thing: I'll be kind to my fellow gheys - for once - and guess that the social rubric for how much to tip for this particuar thing, hasn't been established yet.

Congrats on this latest step forward!


bigreddee February 1 2009, 22:18:00 UTC
Hey Joe,

you're right, the experience is good, but sadly, I can't give my fellow ghey a pass, when they don't tip anything. I literally had people walk off my table and walk off to get a drink more than once. That's simply bad form. if it weren't for a couple of tips that were placed in my hand (I had a tip jar sitting next to me, next to where people put down their glasses, watches, T-shirt, etc, so it's not like they didn't see them), I know I would have had that happen with a number of people.


nursetomsf February 1 2009, 22:08:56 UTC
I can understand how you're feeling D - I had many of the same feelings and thoughts when I did massage for Dean & Silvio's dance events. It was great practice, the guys were all very nice, plus I had the added benefit of charging for the massage ($1/minute). Even so, there was more than one night where I just wanted to be out on the floor, socializing and dancing with my friends. It was even harder when I was set up in a space that was not in view of people - I would spend many times just hanging out at the table, wanting a cocktail or to dance ( ... )


bigreddee February 1 2009, 22:14:26 UTC
Hey, I should have put this on the original post. Matt does pay me a certain amount just to provide the overall service, but the tips (obviously) is what really help make the trip worth it. So I don't want to slight Matt...I certainly wouldn't do it (nor would anyone else) if the only thing we were counting on was the tips...it just seems odd to me that you wouldn't tip something at all, given the service, you know?

I'm mostly just grumbling because I'm sore and cranky (plus bitches is cheap). LOL

But your tips are very welcome...I may have to take dance breaks! :)


nursetomsf February 1 2009, 22:36:49 UTC
Glad to hear that. And I totally understand what you are saying about the tips - I can't fathom how someone could NOT tip at least something for a FREE massage!! ugh

Hope it goes better for ya next time!


shirtlifterbear February 1 2009, 22:34:34 UTC
I tended bar back in school, and I found that working on a "big night" wasn't much fun because I wanted to be out dancing and laughing!

Good idea to take IBR off!

Hooray for furry bodies to work on!


urbear February 1 2009, 22:56:10 UTC
I think the trick is to offer some guidance to the tip-challenged. My inclination would be to drop $5-$10 into that jar for a 10-15 minute free massage. You think that's about right?

Looking forward to seeing you week after next...


bigreddee February 2 2009, 05:09:08 UTC
That's a great idea (leaving a couple of $5s in the jar to give the hint).

Personally, I think if you are getting a free massage, in a service industry, where, at the very least, masseurs would charge $1 a minute, a $5 tip for a $15 minute massage is about right. And I have dropped $20 for a 10 minute massage.

Looking forward to seeing you too!


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