{ curse of curves (2/?) } girl!minho/taemin

Oct 19, 2010 08:29

curse of curves (2/?)
pg, genderswitch, fluff
series of ficlets; part one
a/n: I have to post this really quickly since I have to go to school soon, but yeah this popped into my head and I had to write it. This...came out a lot dorkier than I really intended it to (you can see the contrast between this and the first part) but idk, I liked it enough to post it I suppose. so...yay more characters? YAY PLOT? XD

and if you've noticed, this is now ongoing ;)

"Do you like her?" Eunsook murmurs to her, her breath coming out in little clouds in the cold of the day.

"What are you talking about?" Taeyeon whispers back, and she's thankful that her thick grey scarf is covering most of her face, because she can feel it flushing red. She hugs her wool blazer tighter around herself and picks up her paper cup of hot chocolate, warming her hands around it.

Eunsook crinkles up her nose and nudges Taeyeon playfully, before she goes back to reading her science fiction novel. Her long black hair cascades down her back from one of those dorky ski hats, the kind with the dangling ears and the bobble on top and knit in clashing colors, that Gwiboon is always telling her to throw out. Gwiboon herself is sitting on the grass on the other side of Eunsook, adjusting her black knit beret over her wavy caramel hair, and Taeyeon can hear her muttering darkly about the cold and how it dries out her skin despite being wrapped up in about three different scarves and a royal purple peacoat.

Minjung, however, doesn't look cold at all-she's racing around on the field in front of them, flimsy shorts flapping around her knees and and an overlarge university sweatshirt swallowing her skinny frame, just a lovely rosy flush on her cheeks and her breath coming out in vapors as evidence of the chill. As Minjung's team goes on defense and she sprints back to their end of the field, she taps the brim of her cap and grins widely at them, a few tendrils of her curly brown hair coming loose and flying around her beaming face. Before Taeyeon can stop herself, she waves eagerly back at the older girl and flashes two thumbs up.

Gwiboon snickers. "Be more obvious."

"Unni!" Taeyeon whines in response.

"It's true," Gwiboon says, reaching across Eunsook to tap Taeyeon on the head. "Why else would you sit out in the freezing cold to watch soccer-and not even an official game? It's not even practice, they're just playing for fun, Jonghyun-oppa said so."

"But these games are the most fun to watch," Taeyeon replies cheerfully. "Minjung-unni is always awesome out there, she always beats all the boys, even after they laugh at her for being the only girl," she says admiringly.

"That's Minjung for you," Eunsook adds proudly, fist pumping the air and hooting as Minjung goes racing past them again.

They spend the next half hour sipping their rapidly cooling hot chocolate and shivering, occasionally cheering whenever Minjung had the ball in her possession, which was often. Taeyeon could feel her cheeks (and fingers, and toes, and nose...) start to go numb, which was merciful since she could just blame her red face on the low temperature and not on how she was staring at Minjung's calves flexing as she ran, or at the look of fixed intensity on her face, or at the older girl's tight ass every time she bent over to assess the field.

Taeyeon is starting to feel a little woozy from the constant rush of blood to her head, particularly after Minjung spent a couple minutes leaning over to retie her shoe. She's not entirely sure what she feels for Minjung, but she knows that she has a huge admiration for her. It's not so much that she wants to be her, but it's that weird glowing, blossoming feeling in her chest, everytime Minjung looks at her-she's looking at her, at Taeyeon, her roommate, and Taeyeon can't believe her good luck in meeting such a wonderful, amazing girl. Gwiboon can laugh and tease all she wants, poke at Minjung's plain clothing and boyish frame, but Taeyeon can't help herself from absolutely adoring it, all of it, all of her.

Gwiboon screeches shrilly all of the sudden and Taeyeon tears her eyes away from the field to see Gwiboon smacking a tousle haired and rosy cheeked Jonghyun on the head, evidently after he had snuck up on her. The boy laughs good naturedly and plants himself on the grass next to them, his chest still heaving from the game.

"I'm on break," he tells them breathlessly, and simultaneously winks at all three of them, making Taeyeon giggle and Gwiboon and Eunsook sigh loudly, well used to their friend's flirting. Jonghyun wraps an arm around Gwiboon, but Taeyeon can see his hand inch across her shoulder to tangle his fingers in the tips of Eunsook's hair. Taeyeon notices that Eunsook's eyes paused slightly in her reading, the faintest of blushes creeping over her face, but otherwise she doesn't react.

"You're on break because you can't stand up against our Minjung, can you?" Gwiboon teases him, and Taeyeon perks up at the mention of her roommates name.

"I have to say, she's really good," he admits. "The team loves her."

"Do they really?" Taeyeon asks happily, clapping her hands together. "She must be really important."

"She is," Jonghyun grins at Taeyeon. "But, you know. It's nice having a seriously hot girl around, too."

"Minjung?" Gwiboon asks incredulously, as Taeyeon feels the smile fading from her face. "Okay, I love the girl, but she definitely can't dress or anything-I'm not sure if she knows how to talk about anything other than soccer."

"Well yeah, exactly," Jonghyun leans back, a devilish sort of glint in his eye. "Gorgeous girl who plays a fantastic game of soccer and doesn't fuss around? That's hot. None of this high maintenance stuff," he teases, tugging at one of Gwiboon's scarves.

Gwiboon is looking more grumpy by the second. "Why don't you go after her, then."

"Can't," Jonghyun responds easily. "Donghae called dibs on her ages ago."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Gwiboon responds cattily, before she adruptly stands up, knocking Jonghyun's arm off and startling Eunsook in the process, before she stalks away moodily. Jonghyun's immediately on his feet and racing after her, saying, "Oh, come on baby, I was just joking, you know that-"

Feeling distinctly bummed, Taeyeon turns to Eunsook. "Why do you let him do that to you?"

Eunsook makes a small sound in the back of her throat and knocks her book against her nose. "Jonghyun isn't that bad, you know how he is...with him and Gwiboon and everything."

"Unni," Taeyeon says pointedly. "You guys have kissed!"

Eunsook flushes red here, and she covers her face with her book entirely, so that all Taeyeon can see is the quivering bobble at the top of Eunsook's hat. "That was only once, and it was a mistake, and they got back together the next day. Jonghyun and Gwiboon are always on and off, they've been like that forever, I don't even know why-I can't just-"

"But you've liked him forever," Taeyeon says.

"Hey," Eunsook says defiantly, knocking into Taeyeon so that she tumbles over onto the frosty grass. "You worry about getting together with Minjung, while I deal with my own stuff."

Taeyeon lays still after this, although the back of her head is cold and her blazer rode up a bit so the air is hitting a section of her belly. "Donghae-oppa called dibs, and she'd like him, everybody does," she says finally, not without a trace of bitterness.

"Oh, please," Eunsook snorts, a dead on impression of Gwiboon. "Donghae-oppa doesn't have boobs."

"I would think not," Minjung says confusedly, and the two girls shriek, startled at her sudden appearance. "What are you guys talking about?" Minjung says, tilting her head to the side.

"About how Donghae-oppa doesn't have, um, boobs," Eunsook blurts nervously. "People like boobs. He doesn't have them, so why would you like him, right? Don't you like boobs?"

Taeyeon wants to hit her.

Minjung laughs, airy and unrestrained, and Taeyeon gets this funny little whirling feeling in her chest when they lock eyes. She's clearly amused, and Minjung chuckles once again, a bit shyly this time, before she says: "I'll tell you when I find out."

Then she sticks out her tongue at them, before turning her back and sprinting back into the game.

"Well," Eunsook says meekly. "I don't know, you could try flashing her."

"You are so not helpful," Taeyeon groans.

fandom: shinee, length: ongoing, pairing: minho/taemin

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