There's a scene in Thor that's very close to their dynamics in Avengers, when Thor faces the Destroyer and tells Loki that he doesn't know what he did to him to deserve being hated that much but he apologises for it anyway. hyju,oucftyhji Thor loves his Loki! T____T
God, I love that about their characters. I mean, how Thor was when he saw him again in the avengers? How he just wanted Loki to come home? And I love how Loki isn't totally without feeling, because he could have killed Thor when he stabbed him on Stark Tower but nope, instead he does to point out that Thor has 'sentiment' but then Loki's crying so he's not unaffected either and asdcvldsakjf;ladsjf!
I rec to you everything by astolat, particuarly Chaos War (FUCKING AMAZING AND PERFECT) and Athelas, Kjetter by Beezy (bit of a downer but nothing terrible and has a bit of hope weaved in), and Big in Japan by gunboots for fun.
If you don't mind a wip, I accidentally read So No One Told You, which has other pairings and is a Friends AU. It gets updated pretty regularly, so I'm sure it won't be abandoned.
lol, I'm a long veteran of brother shipping. I don't even mind them actually being related and dying and crying all the time. :P
But yay, I'm so happy you are on board this one too! It's sort of eaten my mind for the moment, which is nice because I miss invested so much in a new ship and Star Trek is still a year away with new squee to be had.
Comments 23
I became the biggest Loki fangirl after seeing Avengers
If you don't mind a wip, I accidentally read So No One Told You, which has other pairings and is a Friends AU. It gets updated pretty regularly, so I'm sure it won't be abandoned.
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But yay, I'm so happy you are on board this one too! It's sort of eaten my mind for the moment, which is nice because I miss invested so much in a new ship and Star Trek is still a year away with new squee to be had.
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