Apr 27, 2011 16:33

lama_mama just informed me via tumblr that Manu Intiraymi, the guy who played Icheb on Star Trek Voyager and was the subject of my Icheb/Q Junior Teenage Dream fanvid, has posted my vid on his facebook and when someone put a frowny face, he said this:

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lookit!, shaking and crying, vidding, ftw, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, freaking the fuck out, bigmamag needs the help

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Comments 19

talitha78 April 28 2011, 00:07:32 UTC
Congrats, I think. :) How do you feel about your sudden internet fame?


bigmamag April 28 2011, 04:29:28 UTC
Haha, internet fame. More like five minutes of being mildly recognized as existing. :P Also, I sort of get how you felt about the Dule fanvid thing, except maybe less freaked out because I never really watched ST Voyager and I really know next to nothing about the actual actor. *g* I think a better understanding would be if, like, SHATNER or QUINTO made mention of something I made. I WOULD DIE OF BOTH GLEE AND EMBARRASSMENT, sort of like this girl who had carefully paperclipped the more risque parts of a fanzine for Nimoy to sign and he took them off to look at them.


talitha78 April 28 2011, 15:43:07 UTC
this girl who had carefully paperclipped the more risque parts of a fanzine for Nimoy to sign and he took them off to look at them

Haha. AWKWARD. That Nimoy, though, he just doesn't give a shit. I love that about him.


myjadedhavok April 28 2011, 01:47:18 UTC
That is... Well, okay. I wouldn't want one one of the figures of my fanwork to see said fanwork. It would be... awkward. To the extreme.

HOWEVER, it is BEYOUND awesome that he's not only cool with it, but PIMPING IT ON HIS FACEBOOK.

Can I click like on this post?


bigmamag April 28 2011, 04:34:36 UTC
I'm actually not feeling that awkward, possibly because I know so little about the actor and it's such a minor pairing I ship that the vid itself was done more out of love for a friend than actual burning passion (though I admit it's an adorable pairing and I've read a few fics of it.) Plus I'm not on facebook and it's a good thing I only post personal info under f-lock so it's just an alias, you know?

I think it would be more awkward if it was, say, RPS. That would make me die of embarrassment, lol. It's hard for me to feel shame about characters and tbh, even if it was Quinto or Pine or Shatner or Nimoy, I'd be freaking out for DAYS but then if it was a K/S fanwork, I'd have to feel pride because I am so not ashamed of loving Kirk and Spock. ♥

Like whatever you like, click away. :D


(The comment has been removed)

bigmamag April 28 2011, 04:36:21 UTC
OMG, spn fandom, how batshit you are yet utterly endearing on some levels. Not even the show itself understands what a fourth wall is, lol.

I think my favorite fourth wall breakage was when Jared showed everyone the Supernatural/Charlie the Unicorn mashup and then Jensen made mention of the drinking game. I love it It's sad that I don't have more recent examples, since I stopped watching interview stuff back around season four.


slightly_o April 28 2011, 03:29:09 UTC
lol, i saw this craziness over on tumblr earlier. RIDICULOUS!


bigmamag April 28 2011, 04:38:23 UTC
It is certainly a mindfuck and whatever else it is, it's kind of cool that the actor didn't post it and go, "hey look at this, what a crazy girl." Makes me feel good.


idvo April 29 2011, 16:36:42 UTC
OMG so awesome!


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