My top 10 favorite Star Trek episodes

Nov 22, 2010 16:50

This one was tied with the TMP novel analysis, so I logically chose the easier of the two. :) This list is entirely my opinion only, so it's very, very likely that many of your favorites won't be included. To get an idea how I managed the soul crushing difficult task of choosing between so many amazing episodes, it all boiled down to which episodes ( Read more... )

meta, their love is oh so canon, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, space husbands, 40 years too late episode reaction

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Comments 21

fujitsu01 November 22 2010, 23:07:32 UTC
I agree wholeheartedly with your choices (the ones I've seen so far at least, which is all of them minus Tholian Web and Day of the Dove). Though "Devil in the Dark" will always have a special place in my heart for the scene where Spock tells Kirk to kill the Horta after specifically telling the other crewman not to earlier. Because while Spock may be a life-respecting scientist 99% of the time, if something or someone threatens Kirk, forget it.


bigmamag November 23 2010, 00:23:23 UTC
Ooh, you should see The Tholian Web, it's amazing. I too love The Devil in the Dark, especially THAT aspect, but I ended up not including it because there are pretty boring stretches, like how freaking long it takes to mind meld with the Horta.


fujitsu01 November 23 2010, 01:15:46 UTC
I will! I have the boxed sets of all three seasons and am working my way through them in order. And I agree, Devil can be a bit slow in places, but its still one of my favorites.


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bigmamag November 23 2010, 00:21:22 UTC
I was trying to decide between the two and I must have forgot to change the title. Thanks for pointing it out!


moonbunnii November 23 2010, 01:04:36 UTC
This list is brilliant and makes me watch to rewatch all these episodes!


bigmamag November 23 2010, 03:31:26 UTC
Then my job is complete. :D


lallyloo November 23 2010, 01:08:22 UTC
look at how curiously intent Kirk is looking at Spock feel up a wall.

Seriously! The looks Kirk/Shatner shoots Spock are just.. amazing.

And then, oh man, the way Spock reaches out to Kirk's "ghost" on the bridge? Oh, my love, my darling, I hunger for your touch...

I LOL'd. So true. :D

and my top 10 in no particular order:
Bread and Circuses
Amok Time
A Private Little War
A Piece of the Action
The Enterprise Incident
Plato's Stepchildren
The Galileo Seven
The City on the Edge of Forever
Mirror, Mirror
This Side of Paradise
...and Turnabout Intruder... and Spectre of the Gun


bigmamag November 23 2010, 03:36:01 UTC
I half-expected Kirk to start drooling, lol.

Ooh man, if only I went up to my top 20 favorites, then a good lot of these would be included. Bread and Circuses starts off boring for a good while and I thought the end part with Christianity shoved in there a little annoying, but damn does it have a rich and gooey center. I DO love Plato's Stepchildren, but I can't get over the lameness of the god-like beings being Greeks. I wish they had gone for a more alien set up. And A Private Little War, that is a strange one. It starts so damn good but, frankly, I can't remember half of what comes after the scene of Spock being hurt. Oh and there's the introduction of M'Benga and Chapel slapping Spock, that's always a win. I may have to watch again, maybe I'll have a better appreciation? Though the unicorn apes still put me off. :)


ariadnechan November 23 2010, 02:36:47 UTC
you take a lot of episode i love ( ... )


bigmamag November 23 2010, 03:46:46 UTC
I tend to be easy on McCoy because while I think he says racist things to Spock, I don't think he'd say them to a different Vulcan. I think McCoy sees Spock as half-human and thus expects Spock to behave as a human. It's no worse than Sarek expecting Spock to behave as a Vulcan. I liken it to any person who was born with two different races, the best example for me being someone born both black and white. White society will want he or she to be "more white" while Black society will want he or she to be "more black" when in all actuality it's not that simple to "pick a culture." Kirk to me is the exception, someone who sees past either race and simply accepts whatever the person wants to be. That's a very hard thing to do, even if people like to pretend that it's not. And when we're talking different species? That's even more difficult because we can't even say that we bleed the same, because Spock bleeds green ( ... )


ariadnechan November 23 2010, 04:09:57 UTC
ohh i only don't like bones in that episode, because is not his normal banter, is blatant hatred and it is too much for me!

about Rand, really at last that rol was for Meramanee
when Jim had no memory but he calls himself Kirock(kirkspock Y/Y?) he lived the life of a normal guy in the wilderness that Jim loves, but it wasn't enough at all, he dreamed with the stars and something as missing (Spock) so even having that ideal is not ideal for Jim, really i think
Meramanee was his girl on the beach with a normal life.

about Rand also i love Spock/Rand catfights!!! and Spock always dismissed her as a competitor. ;)


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