Title: The Preserver
cicero_drayon and
nix_thisSeries: Star Trek XI universe
Character/Pairing(s): Kirk/Spock, Kirk Prime/Spock Prime
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 45,000
Warnings: temporary character death, strong sexual content, graphic violence, torture, slight dub-con, disturbing imagery
Disclaimer: Paramount owns them. To my chagrin, I do not.
Summary: Spock is killed on an away mission. The burial is postponed when the Enterprise must respond to an emergency in deep space with a captain who is slowly descending into madness. Meanwhile, Spock Prime improbably reunites with Kirk Prime, but now they must struggle to survive in a dimension where nightmares are real and a powerful being wants them in her collection.
Author's Note(s): I feel that I must assure readers that while this fic has dark and disturbing elements, it's equally balanced with light and fluffy elements. A truly bipolar fanfic, to be certain. I am the luckiest author in the world because I had the two best betas in the world. My hat is off to you,
cicero_drayon, for making this story even possible by hashing out plots elements with me, editing when you're super busy at college, and overall believing in me when I wanted to throw the thing to the recycle bin. I also owe great thanks and adulation to
nix_this, who swooped in to tear my story a new one but kindly stayed around to mend it. It wouldn't be half as coherent and polished if you hadn't lent a sizable hand. Finally, thank you to many of you on my flist who listened to me whine and gave me advice on even the most trivial matter.
Art by
swordsart link Part I |
Part II |
Part III |
Part IV |
Part V |
Part VI |
End notes one file at the A03 Fanmix by me Ebook versions
(Provided by the lovely
amothea )