ST books and STXII thoughts

Mar 22, 2010 16:16

I picked up a lot of books last week as I've said before, but not surprising to anyone, I started on the ST books. I had to put down the novelization for Search for Spock after a couple of chapters, though. I don't know what it is, but I didn't much enjoy the author's style and the extra scenes put in that were different than the movie didn't ( Read more... )

slash, thinky thoughts, meta, fandom, their love is oh so canon, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, space husbands

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Comments 22

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bigmamag March 22 2010, 21:50:27 UTC
Girl, are trying to give me a heart attack? Can one fangirl dream that big? :P


coeurdesoleil March 22 2010, 21:44:31 UTC
OMG if they reunite Kirk Prime and Spock Prime I will cry tears of joy and ecstasy and I will even try my very best to never complain over S/U ever again.

Also; I desperately want a chess scene!!


bigmamag March 22 2010, 21:52:18 UTC
This. Very much this. And chess, I hope they include it. Funny that I worry about a lack of chess when there are much bigger things to fear, lol.


cicero_drayon March 22 2010, 22:37:16 UTC
*rubs hands together gleefully* Boy, you've made up for that last post in spades, haven't you? Now I get to leave an obnoxiously long reply. :3 ( ... )


bigmamag March 24 2010, 09:32:54 UTC
Ha, you could never be obnoxious bb.

I've convinced a couple of people of their epicness, so that makes me happy. Then again, they were willing to listen, and if the person you're arguing with is not, then you'll never be able to change their minds.

Frankly, my sharp jump is putting Khan as the main villain again, and yet it's a big possibility that they'll do just that. >.< I actually think it might not be so much a sharp jump if they skip a movie. Like, this next movie have it be all reboot, then maybe on STXIII give us that Prime reunion. Though I worry because Nimoy and Shatner aren't getting any younger (and I seriously get all sad thinking about that. I've never had to worry about that with any actors I've loved because they've been young.)

And for what else I want to see, I want to see them being chummy and flirty and slashy like they were in TOS, Miri moments and elevator scenes and eyesex. It's hard to explain but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. ;)


cicero_drayon March 24 2010, 21:06:51 UTC
Only on the interwebs. xD

I WILL DO IT WITH SHEER BIG STICK DIPLOMACY. Or, civilly and logically works too.

KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!11!!!!!!!!! ...Do not want, for reals. Only if because it's been done already and there are so many fancy new things that can be. It created its own cliché, and I can't really forgive a reboot of that. And yes, I know what you mean...I get terribly worried and almost regret getting into a fandom that I know will devastate me so thoroughly. Nope. Nope. Not gonna talk about it.

I KNOW PRECISELY WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT *WINK WINK* If that doesn't happen...I'm quitting. (JK. But I might consider it.)


merrytook92 March 22 2010, 23:00:20 UTC
I'm pretty sure Kirk Prime isn't going to happen either. Didn't some head honcho say Nimoy won't be returning for STXII? It's freaking sad considering the kick ass part he had in STXI. Definitely up for the lulz that's going to happen between Scotty, Kirk and Spock without Spock Prime there to explain junk though!
Just another excuse for Mr. Scott to get wasted I guess...

Um. Chess scene has to happen. They included so much canon and shit in STXI that it'd be a crime if they didn't in sequel. It's going to be hella romantic!


bigmamag March 24 2010, 09:35:49 UTC
I do like how Spock Prime won't explain things and thereby make it easier for them. Then again, maybe STXIII? :P

alsdjfkldfjadf, chess. Like that first one with Spock all, "I'll have you checkmated your next move" :D Maybe they can update to 3-D scrabble and in the gag reel we get Pine and Quinto vocabulary geekery. \o/


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bigmamag March 24 2010, 09:37:30 UTC
I did kind of like the Saavik/David, especially her all, "if people go to wakes to feel better, why does everyone look freaking sad?" :P

I so need to read those. Bad fangirl. :)


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