Title: Mr Jones Goes To Washington
melliyna Fandom: Band of Brothers, The West Wing and Generation Kill
Pairing: Gen (for the moment)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 600
Disclaimer: Not mine, borrowing. With a sincere promise to return them intact
Warnings/Timeline/Spoilers: Expect Spoilers for S1-4 of The West Wing
A/N: Takes place in the Big Damn Crossover AU of Doom world. You know what this means, oh reader. Thanks blame go to
m_buggie for letting me play in her sandbox. And because hey, I don't have other stories to be finishing up *whistles innocently* ;)
Have arrived in Washington DC and moved in without killing either me or the cat (though I'm not sure the cat will ever forgive me). Don't you think I deserve a gold star and a cookie for managing to pay attention long enough to remember that unpacking is a good idea. You have no need to be alarmed.
I however, still do have reason to be alarmed. Particularly because you rode on back of the motorcycle riding hooligans bike. I don't care if he thinks he's a good driver (or that you seem to have deluded yourself in to thinking so) it's a death trap on two wheels. If you end up a squished mess I'm hiring a hit man. Though I admit, he is perhaps not an intentional homicidal maniac. Grudgingly.
So in my ranting about the cat and your current housemate (who I still cannot understand why you describe him in such glowing and positive terms) you probably noticed that I entirely side stepped the whole question of my first couple of days in the Deputy Chief of Staffs' office. This is mostly because I'm trying to block out the memory. Though his assistant Donna is a saint in the form of a young blonde woman who does not make him coffee. The one thing I can say is that I have not yet been fired. And the President came very close to remembering my name, which is more than many interns can dream of.
Oh yes, and I met the President. I think I'm still recovering from that one. I mean he just sort of strolls around like a normal person (if a normal person was the Commander in Chief and had a bunch of dangerous looking people in black suits shadowing him that is). Not sure I'm going to get used to that. Or the amount of walking that goes on. Also, Ziegler, Toby. You'd never expect it from the way he yells and makes wonderously sarcastic comments but he's generally rather nice to the interns. Josh just yells and sometimes demands donuts, requests that you generally learn to ignore, if you listen to Donna (Donna Moss is Josh's assistant and largely fluent in the Dealing With Josh Department). It's a ride, that's for sure (and I haven't even gotten to the part about the White House Chief of Staff and some blueberry muffins yet).
Have determined that I will probably have no life for the next several months but that's going to be fantastically brilliant in any case. But when you next catch a glimpse of your poor beleagured (and now not shaving due to the fact that 4 am wake up for work times do not make for good conditions to shave. Apparently I need to be conscious to operate a razor) friend, please give him some Reeses Pieces and a bad movie about dinosaurs destroying thing.
Make sure you remind Brad about the hitmen (also, if Web drops in tell him he can't have a cookie but he does get a manly hug anyway. And that Joe is a villianous scumbag. In fact he is the Supreme head of the World Order of Villianous Scumbags). And don't let that idiot at the restuarant frustrate you (I remind you once again about the hitmen). Am also enclosing recent picture of me from visit to Websters. In which I briefly met Lewis Nixon (we didn't really chat, I was leaving and his girlfriend/finance was yellling at him about something).
Your esteemed friend (and junior member of the Department of Dealing with Josh Lyman),