Agents of SHIELD

Sep 23, 2014 15:45

I'm not putting all the periods in SHIELD. I won't do it, Marvel! So, I gave up on this show last season after five or six eps because it just couldn't hold my interest. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. I'd heard that after Captain America: Winter Panda Soldier came out and the show started following that story it got way better. This summer ( Read more... )

southland, random tv

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Comments 15

_jems_ September 23 2014, 21:49:22 UTC
Everyone is against a Ward redemption arc! While I completely see their point, I don't see how they're going to keep him part of the show if they don't redeem him at some point (hopefully many many seasons in the future), other than making him the permanent big bad, which I just don't think he can pull off.

It's either that or kill him off, which, don't get me wrong, I'd have no problem with because evil or not, Ward is still kind of boring (it's just that now he has dimensions. Evil dimensions, but dimensions nevertheless). And you just know that with a Joss-connected show they wouldn't have any interest in killing him off unless they got to twist the knife, which brings us back to redemption arc.

In hindsight, I'm glad I stuck with SHIELD for that first 2/3 of the season, but boy was that a tough slog. I hope they don't need to restrict themselves like that again for future movie releases. Or at least that they come up with better filler episodes if they do.


bigboobedcanuck September 25 2014, 01:45:36 UTC
Your icon is making me laugh and laugh. :D

And yeah, he has to be redeemed to stay on the show. But man, he killed SO many innocent people! It's going to be a tough sell for me. Being evil made him a lot more interesting, but he truly did bad, bad things and I don't want him to get Skye. He doesn't deserve happiness after sending Fitzsimmons to the bottom of the ocean, Stockholm Syndrome or no. :|

Yeah, a tough slog indeed. I hope S2 capitalizes on the momentum of the end of S1.


charley_ryan September 23 2014, 23:31:13 UTC
Do watch "Outlander" as soon as you get the time. It's amazeballs. It hits on many of my kinks -- Scotland, badass leading lady, hunky men in kilts, accents, romance, adventure, did I mention gorgeous men in kilts?

I watched "Gotham" but wasn't that impressed by it, sorry to say. And I'm still pissed at how TNT left "Southland" hanging on a big cliff after canceling it and never giving me any resolution.

"Broadchurch" is good. FWIW, the PTB of Gracepoint say the killer will be different from "Broadchurch" so maybe you won't get massively spoiled there.


bigboobedcanuck September 25 2014, 01:47:10 UTC
I totally will watch Outlander! Yes, for all those reasons. :D

I heard the Gotham pilot is clunky, so maybe give it another go? But yeah, one of the reasons I haven't finished Southland is because I know the ending. :/

I really don't have any interest in Gracepoint since I figure Broadchurch will do me, but we'll see.


catteo September 24 2014, 07:39:01 UTC
I marathoned AoS (see, I'm even lazier than you) last week and I actually adored it. And I think that probably if I'd been watching week to week I would have gotten bored, but this way I really didn't get time. And in true unpopular fandom opinion traditions, I actually really like Ward. Even more now that he's complicated. I'm fairly sure that there will be some form of a redemption arc for Ward because this is TV and if they're keeping you around then it's usually because they have plans for you. And when you've been making out with people shortly before betraying them, you're usually headed for make-out town again at some point! I actually think that the potential for Ward's story is now really interesting (and I'm in a minority I know), because suddenly you have the question of who Ward chooses to be now that he's not being Stockholmed all to hell ( ... )


bigboobedcanuck September 25 2014, 01:50:36 UTC
I liked Ward fine in the beginning, but he killed way too many innocent people for me. I mean, he did BAD things. I dunno if they can redeem him for me. We shall see, but I think Skye deserves way better! Especially given Ward send Fitzsimmons to the bottom of the ocean and they would be dead if not for their own gumption. I'm sorry Ward had to kill his dog and everything, but... :|

Yeah, I'm going to give Gotham a real go for Ben, but we'll see. And will def watch Outlander ASAP! I haven't watched SHIELD from last night yet. Still need to watch Good Wife from Sunday. I'M ALREADY BEHIND OMG.


catteo September 26 2014, 01:29:30 UTC
I agree SO MUCH that Ward did terrible things. No way I'm going to say that he didn't. But I was so excited to see how they were going to explore Ward now that Garrett's not around to be the control in his life, and it seems that what they're going to do is actually make him be the person that I really don't want. The person who gaslights Skye because he can. I really hope that this doesn't continue to happen because then I won't even be able to like him for being who he was in parts of S1. I was just excited for the potential for change and being able to choose who to be instead of responding to the Stockholm-ness of the situation. MORE FOOL ME.

Outlander, man. SO GREAT. I have seriously whittled down my TV schedule because it was getting out of hand. Even with the cuts I've made this week is getting to be a little more than I can handle. Might be time to be ruthless!


bigboobedcanuck September 29 2014, 18:03:50 UTC
Yeah, we'll see what happens with Ward. I'm dubious that they can redeem him enough for all the people he's murdered or attempted to murder. We shall see!

I watched the first two eps of Outlander yesterday and LOVED them. Loved, loved, loved. I'm watching with a friend who loves the books, and she was thrilled. Yay!

And YES, I need to cut some shows. I'm already so behind, and now more are starting. Gah!


qafaddiction September 25 2014, 03:52:20 UTC
Totally unrelated to your post (except for the fact that it's TV) but I just had to share. I saw the premiere of Survivor San Juan Del Sur tonight, and *ack*... the TWINNIES are back!! I guess doing TAR twice wasn't enough reality show experience for them. LOL Thank goodness they got separated right off the bat because I don't think I could have watched an entire season (let alone an entire episode) of them screeching at each other.


bigboobedcanuck September 25 2014, 13:31:38 UTC
I saw they were going to be on that!! Oy vey. Yes, lucky for you they're separated. They are unbearable!


sunbrae September 26 2014, 17:26:52 UTC
The Monkeys are convinced Ward is pulling a Severus Snape, but I think he's eeeeeevil. Regarding his redemption, though - I don't want him to be redeemed, but what if he has a long redemption arc like Spike? (I can't remember if you're pro-Spike or not.) Even if he is redeemed, I don't want Ward with Skye. That bridge has burned.

I've heard good things about the Outlander books, but like GoT, it has too much sexors for me. I wonder if the show will be the same?

(I don't have a SHIELD icon, so here are some Avengers.)


bigboobedcanuck September 29 2014, 18:06:43 UTC
Yeah, I think he's evil too. I mean, he shot people in the head and sent Fitzsimmons to the bottom of the ocean! He's really going to have to grovel. With Spike, who I did love...I don't know. Maybe because it was vampires and more removed from so-called real life it didn't bother me as much? But Ward killed so many innocent SHIELD employees. I don't know. We shall see.

There is sex and nudity in the two eps I just watched of Outlander, but it's such a great show! Production values are A+.


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