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Comments 7

qafaddiction July 13 2013, 19:20:26 UTC
I like that they do the results and performance in one show. These competition shows gobble up enough time each week! The couples seem to be finding their way as partners but the match-ups are good. I like the tall couple (blanking on their names right now) and the hip-hop duo.


bigboobedcanuck July 13 2013, 19:38:52 UTC
Heh, it's true about these shows being time suckers. A half-hour elim worked well on the Canadian version, though. Yes, I like the tall couple too. Jasmine and...Aaron? I think?


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bigboobedcanuck July 13 2013, 20:53:53 UTC
They really are great! His costume this week did him no favours, which was unfortunate.

I just don't get the elimination. It seemed clear to me Alexis was the weakest of the bottom three. Weakest female overall, IMO. Ah well.


fenwic July 13 2013, 19:39:10 UTC
I think that elimination was one of the worst calls ever. Jasmine isn't even my girl (Jenna is), but how does that even make sense?! Jasmine has had much better dances, and the choreographers' notes totally fit in with the kind of "growth" arc the show loves. Alexis can't properly take a note? The hell?

I agree that Paul and Makenzie were lovely, but can we PLEASE ban "cancer" dances? It almost took me right out of it. Other than that, the new choreographer seems promising.

Fox should absolutely give them a half-hour elimination show. Then the judging can TRULY be based on all current performance (since it's obvious they've made up their minds by the time the show starts).

Thanks for posting blindfold dance! I enjoyed watching it again. Oh, TRAVIS. Keep on being awesome :)


bigboobedcanuck July 13 2013, 19:52:48 UTC
Right? My friend L and I watched together last night and were both outraged. Seriously, Alexis can't take a note and she gets to stay?? We both find her clunky, especially compared to Jasmine. Made no sense. I was surprised Jenna was in the bottom, too. She's great.

OMG, YES on banning cancer dances. In this case since it wasn't about the choreographer's sister's cousin's uncle, I was okay with it since it was just a concept that did match the song well. And what a gorgeous version of the song!

Yeah, the judges already know who's going, barring some kind of dance-for-your-life disaster. Hope Alexis is in the bottom again. Nothing personal, but she needs to go.

L and I watched some old stuff on YT after (how much do I love the YT function on TiVo??) and Travis was such a BABY during his season? Loved his krump.

I guess Alan will be with Malece next week? Alan's my fave guy, I think.


felonytexas July 13 2013, 23:01:33 UTC
I thought the female tapper should have gone home as well. And that Jade was out of his depth and though I'm sorry about his injury I felt he was the one I would have sent home to begin with. What he does is genius, but he's out of his depth and struggles in partnering.

I always have a hard time with this show because I get so attached to the dancers. I would be happy if all we did each week was watch them do a bunch of different dance numbers and no one was eliminated. It was just week after week of cool dance numbers.


deaver July 16 2013, 22:42:30 UTC
I completely agree about Jasmine being the wrong pick. I had her pegged for top 6 or so. Meh.

I think they changed the format because social medial went ape-shit over the top-of-the-show eliminations. It did seem slightly cruel to have the eliminated folks have to dance after all that heartbreak.


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