Happy Monday

Apr 25, 2011 10:07

This week's blog post is about self publishing. Would really love to hear your opinions on this burgeoning trend! I'm leery of it, but it's becoming more and more prevalent, so I'm intrigued ( Read more... )

keiraandrews.com, technical support

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Comments 12

nutmeg3 April 25 2011, 14:32:48 UTC
I left my comment in your blog. I suspect you can guess my opinion without even trying. *g*


bigboobedcanuck April 25 2011, 17:29:47 UTC
Hmm, let me think really hard! ;P Thank you for commenting! I'll reply tonight since I don't log into that blog at work.


amelialourdes April 25 2011, 16:50:23 UTC
I am having that problem all the time between BR v. DVD. I have a hell of a lot of DVDs and then I hear about the new BR coming out and go, "OOH. SHINY!" I can't help myself and it's awful. Most of my series are in DVD and I wouldn't change those but I'm getting dangerously close to replicating all of my movies -- especially my Disney collection. I originally said, "I'd never." Then I saw it and it was like I discovered a new world of bright and clear pictures. Oy, I hate myself, lol. But good on the P&P buy!! Definitely want that in BR.


bigboobedcanuck April 25 2011, 17:31:56 UTC
Hee. I just don't find the picture enhancement enough to warrant the cost, unless it's a real jump in quality the way P&P is. If an older movie is remastered on BR, that's a different story. But for recent films done in digital, they still look and sound terrific.


bliss_ April 25 2011, 18:37:54 UTC
It was clearly a sign! What were you to do?


bigboobedcanuck April 25 2011, 22:35:37 UTC
My hands were tied!


laminy April 25 2011, 22:18:22 UTC
I've definitely looked at self-publishing before. Not seriously, because I have nothing to publish, but I definitely think it's the easiest way to get anything out there. Everything else seems so daunting.

I've decided that if Zack Snyder's rated R director's cut of Sucker Punch only comes out on Blu-Ray, then I will get a BR player. Until then, no.


bigboobedcanuck April 25 2011, 22:35:24 UTC
True, it is easy! I just question whether the easy way is the way to publish the best book possible. I'd say probably not.

I haven't seen Sucker Punch yet. I was in rush to jump to BR, but since my old DVD player was acting up, the decision was made for me. ;)


sravenk April 27 2011, 11:59:38 UTC
Not on the topic of self-publishing, but what sort of blog are you using? Is it Wordpress? I ask because I noticed you have threaded commenting and I would like that myself.


bigboobedcanuck April 27 2011, 14:26:06 UTC
Yep, it's Wordpress. I really like it. The lack of threading comments on Blogger is very annoying, and a mystery to me in this day and age. It makes discussion more stilted, and it baffles me that they haven't developed threaded comments. Message boards I used 10 years ago had thread capability!


sravenk April 28 2011, 11:49:57 UTC
Hmmm, I don't know if my WordPress blog has threaded comments. What style are you using? Maybe I could rejig the code a bit on mine.


bigboobedcanuck April 28 2011, 14:00:27 UTC
Let me ask ozbrat, since she designed it for me. I'll get back to you!


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