Luke/Reid Fic: "Found," 6/?

Oct 20, 2010 19:59

Here's the next chapter in my fix-it fic. Thanks again to the awesome mcfeste for the beta, and to the equally awesome paddies, Official Italian. xo

Ratings vary per chapter, but will go up to NC-17.

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five

Damian’s eyes widen as Luke enters the kitchen. “Che cazzo! What happened?”

Luke holds up his hand. “I’m fine. It was an accident.”

“How did this happen?”

“I just…it was an accident. It doesn’t matter.”

Damian tightens his jaw, and his voice rises. “He did this to you?”

“Shh. He’ll hear you.” The bruise darkens the right side of Luke’s jaw, which is also slightly swollen. “He had a nightmare, and I was waking him up. He didn’t mean to hit me.”

Damian is already removing a package of frozen peas from the freezer. He wraps a dish towel around it. “You’re sure of this?”

“Yes. He already feels terrible about it, so don’t make him feel worse.”

Damian holds the impromptu ice pack to Luke’s face. “All right. But you will tell me if you think he might be a danger to you.”

Huffing, Luke snatches away the peas. “Don’t be ridiculous.” He presses the package to his jaw.

“Luciano.” Damian lowers his voice. “Reid has suffered a terrible trauma. I have no doubt he would not intend to purposefully harm you, but we have no idea the damage that has been done to him. How it has changed him.”

“I told you. He was having a nightmare. He was asleep, and he didn’t know who I was. Don’t make more of it than it is.”

The floorboards on the stairs creak, and Luke hurries out of the kitchen and down the hall to make sure Reid doesn’t slip. Reid waves him off, just as he did when Luke tried to help him dress. Reid wears jeans and a faded Harvard sweatshirt that Luke folded carefully when he and Katie packed up Reid’s things.

The test results sit in a neat stack on the kitchen table. They all sit, and Reid goes through them one by one, his eyes scanning the data quickly before he places each piece of paper face down to his right. He says nothing, and his expression is only one of concentration.

Luke and Damian exchange worried glances, and Luke’s leg jiggles under the table, his knee bouncing up and down like a jackhammer. As Reid turns over the last report and straightens the edges of the papers, Luke can’t stay quiet any longer. “Well?”

Reid’s face remains impassive. “Everything’s fine. Iron level is low. I haven’t recovered my full strength after the surgeries. But not being bedridden will help.” He picks up the reports and shuffles through them. “Rest of the blood work came back normal, and they were very thorough in testing for every possibility. Much to my surprise, given that pathetic hospital’s in a town even smaller than Oakdale and the doctors probably paid for their degrees online.”

Despite his worry, Luke chuckles. It feels so good to hear Reid dishing out insults.

Reid goes on, his focus on the reports. “MRI and CT didn’t show any abnormalities. I’m fine.”

“Your heart?” It feels wrong to call it Reid’s, but Luke supposes it is now, for better or worse.

“Whatever it is, seems to be doing its job.”

Damian speaks up. “Do you believe it is artificial?”

“Partly, I think.”

“Is that why you don’t need anti-rejection meds?” Luke has wondered, but hasn’t asked until now.

Reid doesn’t look at him. “Maybe. I’m not sure yet.”

Luke reaches for the other envelope that was delivered, this one much larger. “What about the x-rays?”

Reid shifts it out of Luke’s grasp. “I’ll look at them later.”

Tension is suddenly heavy in the air, and Luke isn’t sure why. “Okay. So…this is all good news, right? You’re okay.” He smiles, since they should be smiling. “You’re okay.”

Reid nods, but can’t seem to smile in return. “Everything seems normal for now.”

“For now?” The anxiety coiled through Luke’s body flares. “If you’re not okay, you can tell me. You need to tell me. Please.”

“I would.” Reid takes Luke’s hand, squeezing gently as he gazes intently into Luke’s eyes. “Everything looks normal. That’s the truth.”

Luke exhales. “Then why are you upset?”

Reid’s eyes flick over to the envelope holding the x-rays. Letting go of Luke, he opens the seal and removes a series of large films. After pushing back his chair, he moves slowly to the sink. Gripping the side of the counter with one hand, he lifts the films up to the window with the other.

Luke recognizes the shapes of arms and legs as Reid goes through the films. The x-ray of his chest holds his attention for longer than the previous ones, and Luke peers at it from his seat, barely resisting the urge to join Reid by the window. He doesn’t want to be overbearing.

When Reid holds up the x-ray of his brain, he makes a soft noise in his throat. Luke knows from the scars on Reid’s scalp that Invicta, or whoever they are, operated on Reid’s brain, but he can’t imagine why. “Reid?”

Lowering the films, Reid takes a deep breath and blows it out. “I can’t tell.”

“What?” Luke’s voice is barely above a whisper, and Damian is like stone beside him.

“They cut my brain, and I don’t know why.” Reid’s tone is flat, and when he turns away from the window, his face betrays no emotion. “I can’t tell.”

“But as long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters.”

After a long moment, Reid nods. “I’m tired. I’m going to lie down for a bit.”

“I’ll go with you.” Luke pushes his chair back.

“No. It’s fine. You must be sick of all this sleeping.” He tries to smile. “I’m okay. Really.”

Luke is about to object, to say that all he cares about is being close to Reid, but Damian stops him with a firm grip on Luke’s arm. “Luciano can help me prepare dinner. The sauce needs to cook for several hours.”

Reid nods again, and Luke listens to him retreat down the hall, and to his careful steps on the stairs. He exhales when Reid seems to reach the top safely.

“Give him some time.” Damian pats Luke’s arm. “Come now. You can peel the vegetables.”

Luke is still listening to be sure Reid doesn’t stumble or fall, and he creeps to the bottom of the stairs. After a few beats of silence, the floorboards creak, and the next sound he hears is the catch of the bedroom door as it closes.


As the shock begins to wear off, they settle into a routine. Damian has a home gym installed in one of the spare bedrooms, complete with state-of-the-art treadmill, reclining bike, free weights and a weight station with pulleys and plates and various attachments.

A thirtyish physiotherapist named Tony - who is Marco’s cousin and completely trustworthy, Luke is assured - creates exercise plans for Reid and Luke, and arrives daily to oversee their progress. Luke had protested at first that he didn’t need the same attention as Reid, but Damian had silenced him with a look that left no room for argument.

A week later, Luke has to admit that he feels better than he has in a long time. He takes his pills every morning and hasn’t had a drink. The headaches and shakes are less frequent, and he’s gained several pounds from all of Damian’s cooking.

Reid is already stronger, and he eagerly eats as much food as possible, which Luke finds deeply reassuring. It’s comforting, this little piece of normalcy. Reid is still quiet much of the time, spending long hours examining the x-ray and CT scan of his brain. Luke has no idea what to say, and is afraid whatever he does say will be wrong.

They don’t discuss what happened, or the fact that they haven’t told anyone that Reid is still alive. Alive again. Luke figures they will when the time is right. Reid had asked about Katie and Chris, and seemed pleased to hear that they were well, and that the transplant was a success. Then he went back to examining a neurology textbook, one of a long list of medical books, journals and reports he’d asked Damian to acquire.

Reid still tires easily, and naps most afternoons. While Damian has hushed conversations with Marco that are too rapid for Luke to translate in his head, Luke finds himself back at the window, looking out over the lake. His glass now holds water, or sometimes juice. Luke closes his eyes and remembers the sweet burn of the vodka, and trembles with wanting.

At night, he and Reid always reach for each other, and they huddle together, saying everything they need to with simple warmth and nearness. Their kisses are sweet and tender, and there’s no fire in their caresses yet. Luke thinks he’ll know when the time is right, and Reid is strong enough.

The bruise on Luke’s face fades, and when Reid has nightmares - which is most nights - Luke is always careful not to get too close when he wakes him. Reid trembles in his arms, and Luke talks of nonsense and childhood memories in a low voice until Reid sleeps again.

As they eat bowls of minestrone soup one evening in the dining room, Damian clears his throat. “Marco and I will be leaving in the morning. There are some questions we need to ask of certain people of interest. We believe they may have some valuable information.”

“Who? Doctors? I need to talk to them. I’m coming.” Reid leans forward, eyes bright.

“No, not doctors. But these are people we believe worked on the project or were certainly aware of it. Since we took you from the facility in Chicago, they have tightened security considerably in many aspects. There was also a fire in the basement of that building. An electrical fault, the newspaper said.”

“I want to talk to them anyway.”

“I promise you will have the chance when the time is right. The investigation has proven…challenging. But we’re doing all we can.”

“Why should I trust you?”

“Reid.” Luke glances between him and his father. “If it wasn’t for Damian, I don’t know if I’d have been able to get you out. He’s only trying to help.”

Reid rubs a hand over his face. “I know. I just…”

“I understand, Dr. Oliver. I would surely feel the same way.”

“Would you stop calling me that?” Reid snaps.

“Of course, Reid.” Damian turns to Luke. “Marco has instructed the security team. I will leave you the radio should you need to speak with them.”

Luke nods. “You’ll call if you find out anything?”

“Yes, Luciano.”

They all go back to finishing their soup, the only sound that of spoons against china. When he’s done with his bowl, Reid speaks. “Good soup. So…thanks. Damian.”

Damian smiles. “Call me dad.”

There’s a moment of silence, and then all three of them are laughing. Luke almost snorts out the soup he was swallowing, which just makes them laugh even harder, and Luke feels flush with warmth and happiness as they start in on the main course.


Damian’s only been gone for an hour the next morning when Luke’s phone rings. Even though he knows there can’t be any news yet, he still grabs his phone eagerly. He looks at the display and grimaces, since he’s been avoiding his family and the outside world more than usual. But he’s compelled to answer this time. “Hey, Faith.”

She doesn’t waste time with niceties. “Are you coming tonight?”

“Tonight?” Luke thinks back. It’s been twelve days since he found Reid, and the time before that is an empty void, utterly blank.

Faith sighs loudly. “I knew you’d forget. Mom said you wouldn’t, and not to bother you, but I knew it.”

“Forget what?”

“God, Luke. You know, we’re still here. You can’t just forget the rest of us. We haven’t forgotten you. I’m amazed you actually answered the phone this time.”

“Faith…” Luke watches Reid across the living room, studying the x-ray, a pile of textbooks open beside him. “I know I’ve been kind of…”

She sighs again, softly this time, the sharp edges smoothed from her tone. “It’s Nat’s birthday. Luke, she’ll be so upset if you don’t come. She’s talked about it all week, how you’re going to be there and take her to the barn to play with the horses like you always…like you used to.”

The last time Luke saw Faith and Natalie, they’d bickered endlessly, Faith peevish and impatient with her younger sister at her heels. Luke feels a surge of affection, followed quickly by guilt. “I really want to come. It’s just…”

He glances at Reid again, and now Reid is looking back. He mouths, “Go.”

Luke is itchy with panic at the thought, and he shakes his head sharply, his heart racing.

“Hello? Luke?”

“I’m here. I’m sorry, Faithy, but I can’t come.”

Reid stands up, nodding, and whispers, “Go.”

“Why? Why not?” Faith sounds distressingly close to tears. “Please? Just for a bit. An hour. Ten minutes. Anything.”

Luke takes a breath, telling himself it’ll be okay, and Reid nods again. The guards are outside. Nothing will happen to Reid. He’s safe. He’s real. “Okay. I’ll be there. See you tonight.”

As he hangs up, he exhales slowly and looks at Reid. “Maybe we could…you could come with me. We won’t stay long, but we could tell them.”

Reid glances away and retreats back to the couch. “Not yet. I don’t…not yet, okay?”

“Okay.” Part of Luke wants to shout it from the rooftops that Reid is alive. He’s alive. But then he imagines the questions that will come - the attention - and he wants to hide Reid away forever.

The farm is a half hour’s drive away, and as Luke gets dressed late that afternoon, he calculates the minutes he’ll be gone. From the kitchen, he radios the security team, telling them that he’ll be away for a short time and that no one else is expected.

“Stay as long as you like.” Reid walks in - much steadier on his feet already thanks to the physio - and goes to the fridge for a snack.

“It’ll be boring, Reid. It’s a kid’s birthday party. Not exactly my scene.”

“Yes it is.”

Luke scoffs. “Oh yeah, pin the tail on the donkey and balloon animals. Fun.”

“Not for me, but for you? Yep.” Reid sits at the table with a carton of ice cream and a spoon. “I’ll be fine, Luke. Go see your family.”

There are so many things Luke wants to say. Instead he simply nods, and ten minutes later he’s driving away from the lake, Reid’s kiss lingering on his lips.

The farm is reassuring in its sameness. The smells and sounds; the feel of the worn wood of the kitchen table beneath his fingertips. When he walks in, Natalie shrieks and flies into his arms. She’s soft and warm and pink, and Luke hugs her tightly. Everyone makes a fuss over him except Faith, who simply kisses his cheek and whispers, “Thanks.”

Lily hugs and kisses him, her smile tremulous. “It’s so good to see you, sweetie.” She touches his face and hair, as if to reassure herself he’s really there, and Luke is full of love for her in that moment. “You look like you’re eating more. Are you eating more?”

For a change, Luke doesn’t have to lie, and he smiles. “Yeah, I’m eating more. I’m okay, Mom. I missed you.” He hugs her again.

The whole family is there, including Carly, Jack, Sage, Parker, and even JJ, back from boarding school in some cloud of scandal that Luke doesn’t even try to understand. Holden claps Luke on the shoulder, his smile bright, and Ethan babbles on about cake, holding fast to Luke’s hand.

After the months of solitude and silence at the lake, the noise and energy of his family is overwhelming. Although he’s genuinely happy to see them, Luke has to duck out after a bit and catch his breath. He goes outside to avoid the living room, where he knows bottles of alcohol sit on an antique bureau.

He hunches his shoulders against the cold, but the wind is gentle as he makes his way to the pond. Standing by the shore, he thinks about Reid, and wonders whose ashes float beneath the ice and snow. The desire to speed back home to make sure Reid’s all right is overpowering, and he has to force himself to stay put.

“He’s fine. He’s okay. Everything’s okay.” Luke’s breath is a white cloud in the frigid air as he mutters and gazes out over the frozen pond. “He’s not here.”


He turns to find Holden watching him with concern. “Dad. Hey. I didn’t hear you coming.”

“I was out getting some more firewood. Nat wants to have a bonfire.” He glances up at the sky. “It’s a good night for it. As good as it gets in February.”

Luke smiles. “Sounds fun.”

“You look good, Luke. Better than a few weeks ago. I’m glad to see it.”

“I’m feeling better.” Reid’s alive. Everything’s okay now.

“Good.” Holden takes a breath and blows it out in a puff. “You know you can always talk to us, right? We’ve wanted…Luke, we know this has been a terrible time for you. And you need to grieve in your own way, and in your own time. We want to give you the space you need. The space you obviously want.”


“I just hope you know we’re all here for you. Your mom, your grandmothers, Ethan and the girls. Abigail and Aaron said they’ve called you and left messages, but you never call back.” He holds up his hands. “And that’s okay. Just remember that we love you very much.”

The guilt of it all - the drinking, stopping his meds, letting Damian in, the secret of Reid - slices through Luke like a thousand knives. “I’m sorry, Dad.”

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”

Holden envelops him in a hug that smells of wood smoke and hay and safety, and Luke clings to him. “I love you, Dad. I know you’re here for me. I know. You always have been.”

“Luuuuuke! Dad! Where are you?” Natalie’s voice calls out.

Holden chuckles, patting Luke on the back as he steps away. “Coming!” He squeezes Luke’s shoulder. “Okay?”

“Yeah, Dad. Thanks.” Luke smiles, and he doesn’t have to fake it.

By the time he’s driving back along the country road with a week’s worth of leftovers from his grandma, he’s been gone an hour longer than he planned. Snow falls in gentle wisps, and the icy patches on the road are even slicker than usual. He drums the wheel with his gloved fingers, and wishes he could call Reid to reassure himself. But Reid has Luke’s cell phone at the house in case of emergencies.

As the minutes tick by, the worry creeps back in, insinuating itself in the corners of his mind as Luke imagines all the things that could have gone wrong in his absence. He has to tell himself repeatedly to drive slowly and cautiously on the twisting road, resisting the urge to put his foot down and screech around corners. “He’s fine. Everything’s okay.” Luke’s voice trembles, and he grips the wheel. Should never have gone.

Finally he skids to a stop in front of the dark house, slamming the car into park and tumbling out and up the stairs to the porch. The door is unlocked, and Luke runs in, breathless with fear. “Reid!”


He races into the living room to find Reid sitting in one of the wing chairs by the fire. There are no lights on, and the glow of the flames flickers on Reid’s face. The relief washes over Luke, and when Reid reaches out his hand, Luke is there in only a few steps. He leans down and kisses Reid softly, their hands clasped. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself, Mr. Snyder.” Reid sniffs. “You kind of smell like hay, actually.”

Laughing softly, Luke kicks off his boots and tosses his coat toward the foyer. He’s about to sit in the other chair when Reid takes his hand again and tugs him near. Luke sits at his feet, legs curled, and rests his head in Reid’s lap.

The fire is warm at Luke’s back, and he sighs contentedly as Reid strokes his hair. His eyes grow heavy before long, and he’s drifting off as Reid begins to talk.

“When I woke up, I thought it was another hospital.”

Luke opens his eyes. He realizes Reid’s talking about the laboratory, and he curls his hand around Reid’s calf, sliding his palm up under the denim, rubbing gently. He doesn’t move his head from Reid’s lap, and doesn’t say anything. He waits.

“I was heavily sedated, especially at first. After the surgeries. Everything was a blur. Confusing. I didn’t understand why I wasn’t at Memorial, and I wondered…”

Luke waits a few seconds before asking, “What?”

“I wondered why you didn’t come.”

It’s like there’s a fist around his heart, and Luke raises his head. “They said you were dead. John, and Bob. Everyone. They said you were dead. I talked to you and touched you, but…you wouldn’t open your eyes. I believed them. They said you were gone.” He blinks back tears. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry!”

Reid strokes Luke’s face. “I know. It’s not your fault. Not theirs either, John and Bob. I was gone. I remember you, and then nothing.” His face darkens. “But then I was back. I don’t know how.”

“If I’d known…I should have known. I should have.”

Reid presses a kiss to Luke’s forehead. “There was no way you could have. It’s not your fault.” He makes sure Luke is looking at him. “Do you hear me? It’s not your fault.”

Luke nods, and Reid sits back. “When I could speak, they seemed surprised. I asked for you, asked where I was. I tried to get up, and that’s when they began strapping me down. I kept asking questions, and then they put that piece of the respirator in my mouth.”

He’s silent for a moment, and Luke holds his breath as he waits.

Reid swallows thickly, his gaze drifting. “I couldn’t move. Couldn’t talk. I just lay there, hooked up to all those machines. They never called me by name, only ‘Patient G.’ They wore surgical masks, so they were these faceless people, disembodied voices, poking and prodding, performing test after test. The only time I saw a face was when we were leaving. The woman in the hall. She was with me nearly every day, but I never knew what she looked like until then.”

Luke wonders if she’s dead after falling at Marco’s hand, and for a moment he hopes fervently that she is.

“I couldn’t stop them. I was just…helpless. Everything was out of my control. I was in so much pain, but they wouldn’t stop the tests. I started to think that maybe…maybe I was wrong. That there was a hell after all, and I’d spend forever on that gurney, powerless and alone.”

Luke hates them - whoever they are - more than he has ever hated before. He wants to scream and shout and break things, but he doesn’t. He takes Reid’s hand, pressing his lips to Reid’s palm before entwining their fingers.

“As time went on, they started saying more around me. It’s like they forgot I could hear them, or that they didn’t think I could understand as much as I did. I stopped fighting them, even when the anaesthetic was wearing off and they were cutting me, and…” He stops and takes a breath.

Luke wants to put his head back in Reid’s lap and weep, but he just rubs Reid’s calf softly, and waits.

“As I healed from the surgeries, I understood more about the project. That I was their latest experiment. They talked about regeneration, and I started to believe I was alive after all.”


“I don’t know how. It’s…it shouldn’t be possible. It isn’t possible.”

“But here you are. Alive.”

Reid’s silent for a long moment. “I hope so.”

Luke rubs Reid’s leg and squeezes his hand. “You’re alive. Trust me.”

“I don’t know how they did it. I was the best neurosurgeon in the world, and I have no idea how they made the neurons fire again.”

“You’re still the best neurosurgeon in the world.”

He only sighs, his expression troubled. “Luke, I…”

“What? You can tell me anything.”

Reid’s silent, and after a few moments he shakes his head. When he goes on, he’s back in his memories. “It was like I was down there for years. I waited, and then one of them got distracted. She’d just wheeled me back from another room, and she got a phone call before fastening the restraints. So I slipped my wrists in, and hoped she’d forget to tighten them.”

Reid goes silent, lost in memory, eyes distant. Luke whispers, “And she did. And that was the night you called me.”

Reid looks at him, his fingers tracing Luke’s lips. “I’d repeated your number in my head over and over. When I heard your voice on the message…”


A tiny smile lifts Reid’s lips. “I knew you’d come. No matter what it took. You’d come.”

Luke pushes up to his knees and takes Reid’s head in his hands, kissing him deeply. Reid kisses him back, their mouths open, tongues seeking. The warmth between them sparks into a flame, and they clutch at each other as the fire spreads.

Then in one movement, Reid is out of the chair, pressing Luke back against the stone hearth. Luke tingles from head to toe, his pulse racing with desire as his mind spins. He moans low in his throat at the weight of Reid’s body against his, and hooks one leg over Reid’s, drawing him closer as their hands roam.

They kiss desperately, panting as they get hard in their jeans, rocking their hips together. Luke wants to feel Reid’s skin against his, but he can’t stop moving, and as they rut together on the floor, he knows they won’t last long.

The friction is exquisite, and Reid steals his hand up beneath Luke’s sweater, squeezing and teasing Luke’s nipples. The ripples of pleasure go right to Luke’s rock-hard cock, and he moans. “Wanted you for so long.”

Reid gasps for breath, moving his face to Luke’s neck, sucking on the tender skin. “Love you.”

Luke thrusts up, his hand on Reid’s ass, pulling him down. “Always. Always.”

They both moan as they rub together with rapid movements, almost frantic as they breathe each other in. They drive towards completion, holding onto each other fiercely, and Luke knows he never, ever wants to let go. Never will.

Then his balls tighten, and his orgasm rips out of him, crashing over his body in a wave of ecstasy. He shakes, the tremors of pleasure intense, and Reid groans, rubbing against Luke until he’s coming, too, shuddering and moaning Luke’s name.

Luke slips his hands beneath Reid’s sweatshirt, and strokes his back lightly as they catch their breath. Shifting some of his weight onto his hip, Reid caresses Luke’s chest and belly, his hand still under Luke’s sweater. He kisses Luke softly. Luke has to clear his throat before he can speak normally. “God.”


“It’s been so long. And with you, it’s…God.” Luke doesn’t think he’s ever come that hard before, and it was just from getting off like a couple of teenagers.

Reid peers at him. “There hasn’t been anyone since…?”

Luke has to laugh at the mere thought. “No. I couldn’t even touch myself. All I could think of was you. It hurt too much.”

“Luke…” Reid shakes his head, clearly troubled. “I don’t want that for you. I never want you to be alone.”

“I’m not. You’re here.” Luke kisses him, reaching a hand up to stroke Reid’s short hair. “You’re here, and you’re not going anywhere.”

Reid seems as if he wants to say something, and he looks at Luke with such tenderness as he grazes Luke’s cheek with his knuckles.

“You’re here,” Luke repeats.

Reid presses their lips together, and they close their eyes, kissing softly as the fire burns out, and the night settles in.


Luke wakes to the very pleasant sensation of Reid’s lips on his neck. He suckles the sensitive spot on Luke’s neck where this morning there is surely a mark. He’s pressed up close, his arm draped over Luke’s bare chest, fingers caressing lightly.

Wriggling his hips, Luke pushes back, and feels Reid’s growing hardness against his ass. Although Reid had been too tired to do anything else, they’d gone to bed naked, and Luke loves the feel of Reid’s body against his. He’s wondering how much more Reid has the energy for this morning when Reid speaks low in Luke’s ear.

“Have any lube?”

Luke shivers in anticipation. “No. But we’ll figure something out. Don’t need condoms. We’re both clean.” His cock twitches at the idea of having Reid inside him, nothing between them.

“Sure you’re ready?”

Luke rolls onto his back and gazes up at Reid. “I’m sorry I ever wanted to wait. That was the thing I regretted the most.”

A shadow crosses Reid’s face, and he kisses Luke softly. “No more regrets.”

The kiss deepens, and Luke pulls Reid on top of him. But a moment later, Reid lifts his head, body tense. “Did you hear that?”

“Huh?” Luke’s pulse is already racing at the thought that he and Reid are finally going to make love. “It’s nothing.” He leans up and slides his tongue into Reid’s mouth, fingers grasping Reid’s hair.

But then a car door slams, and it’s definitely something.

As male voices shout, and someone shrieks, Luke stumbles from bed to the window in one of the guest rooms that faces the laneway. Heart thumping, he peers out, his breath catching in his throat as he sees that three of the security guards have appeared from the trees and are converging on a woman, their guns drawn.

Hands raised, Katie looks around desperately. “Luke!”

Part seven

luke/reid fic, team reid

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