
Nov 10, 2009 14:28

Watched Mad Men last night. Wow. Just...wow. One of my favourite season finales ever of any show. So freaking satisfying! I cried more than once.

Mad Men )

theatre, mad men, spring awakening, matt doyle

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Comments 22

fraserette November 10 2009, 19:40:08 UTC
I haven't watched the last couple of episodes because they bore me but this sounds interesting.. will have to play catch up! And yay for the return of Joan!


bigboobedcanuck November 10 2009, 19:43:42 UTC
Really? I've found this season absolutely riveting, but then this show never bores me. The finale was fantastic!


fraserette November 10 2009, 19:45:44 UTC
I had posted about my annoyance at a lack of storyline at the MM community and some people said it kinda helps when you watch the season all at once, which is what I came into season 3 doing previously, so it could be that.

Did you watch Gossip Girl last night? the show is starting to pick up!


bigboobedcanuck November 10 2009, 19:48:03 UTC
Watching GG tonight, hopefully. :)


deaver November 10 2009, 19:43:00 UTC
I too was grinning like a loon through most of Mad Men. What I was most surprised by, though, was how pleased I was that Lane Pryce joined them in their new adventure. At the start of the season I would have never guessed he would be a character I actually really rooted for. How great was Trudy's attempt to interrupt Pete when she thought he was going to not only turn down Don and Roger but completely burn all his bridges with them? I think that was the first time I actually really admired her character (and she wasn't even on screen! Hee.) I can hardly wait to see how they handle next season!


bigboobedcanuck November 10 2009, 19:46:57 UTC
ITA about Lane! I was so rooting for him since they were going to transfer him to Bombay with no thought for what he wanted. I'm so excited that he got his revenge on those jerks!

I loved it when Trudy called from the next room, too. Hee. I've always liked her, but I really loved her last week when she said, "This is America! I don't care what your politics are, you don't just go shooting the president!" She's great.


nicole_anell November 10 2009, 19:58:47 UTC
When he told Peggy that he'd spend the rest of his life trying to hire her, there were tears.
Yep, that was the moment that made me cry too.

I love how Joan can make "Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce" roll right off her tongue. And speaking of Pryce! Where did he COME from? Like, he's been there all season, but how did I just notice how awesome he is? "YOU'RE FIRED FIRED OMG!" "Very good, Happy Christmas."

And I never thought I'd love Pete and Trudy so much. They're such adorable little co-conspirators. XD The victory kiss was the cutest thing since... well, the Charleston. What a brilliant, surprisingly hopeful season finale.


bigboobedcanuck November 10 2009, 22:00:01 UTC
When he first said "No" when Peggy said he'd never speak to her again, I thought he meant no, he wouldn't talk to her. Then he said the rest and I burst into tears. I could cry right now just thinking about it!

Joan is SO fabulous. I love her! When they said they didn't know where anything was, I SQUEED because I knew Roger would call Joan.

"Very good, Happy Christmas."

I had to rewind that. So perfect.

OMG, I'd forgotten about the Charleston! Pete and Trudy rule.


brandyleigh November 10 2009, 20:06:24 UTC
Yes, Mad Men was fantastic! I'm really excited about what they've set up for next season. I do hope Sal will be back - when the Art Department door was locked, I thought for sure they were going to have to call him. I was fine with Don kicking the door down, though.

I can't help but feel for Don, too, and I kind of hated myself for it, since he called Betty a whore and has cheated on her repeatedly. But, him hugging Bobby and crawling into bed with Sally really hurt my heart. I blame Jon Hamm's acting for making me feel awful for Don.


bigboobedcanuck November 10 2009, 21:57:15 UTC
Yes, I thought the same about the door being locked! I did enjoy the door kicking, though. :D

I know, I was cringing when he was rough with her and calling her a whore. I mean, BITCH PLEASE, DONALD F. DRAPER! But then he breaks your heart. Jon Hamm seriously needs that Emmy.


springandsummer November 10 2009, 20:43:36 UTC
My random Robi Hager story is that when I went to closing I nearly literally ran into him, as he was standing by the staircase on the left as soon as I went in.


bigboobedcanuck November 10 2009, 21:55:34 UTC
Did you ever see him perform?


springandsummer November 10 2009, 22:04:53 UTC
Nope, he was before my SA time (my first show was the weekend that Matt took over as Hanschen for reals). Well, I take that back - I might have been at one of his performances because I know they brought him back in the ensemble when the newbies came in, but I couldn't tell you if he was there or not.

Oh, and I just remembered something, I lied. My other Robi Hager story is that while waiting to go into Caught in the Threshold (this really....yeah.... piece of ~avant garde theater~ that a bunch of the SA kids were in and Eryn Murman directed) I was standing next to him as he was talking to Skylar and Frances M-A about random stuff, including BBB *L*


msmoocow November 10 2009, 22:59:42 UTC
*butts in*

He was only there during the Great Melchior Drought of August '08. :)


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