(no subject)

May 06, 2008 12:03

So, to the surprise of no one possessing functioning gaydar, Van Hansis has been outed. Perez Hilton is obvs. a douchebag, but it doesn't make Van any straighter. Granted, when Van was first on ATWT, he took a page out of Ricky Martin's book and let people talk about him as if he was straight. However, Van has been dating Tyler for a long time now. When your boyfriend comes to the opening night of your Broadway play ( and you pose for photographs with him) and you call him your favourite actor in an interview (I can't find the link right now), it's not exactly a state secret.

Last week, Nelson Branco said a gay daytime actor wanted to come out of the closet but wasn't allowed to.

Guess which gay soap star recently hinted to me that he or she “wouldn’t mind coming out if my bosses were okay with it. Would it be the end of the world?”

Emphasis on world, as in As it Turns. Then this week, Perez Hilton has sources telling him what most people have known for ages. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Van was the source. I truly hope Van takes this opportunity to come out himself whether P&G like it or not. There's a big difference between wanting to stay in the closet and not being allowed to come out.

I cruised by Van's board to read the discussion there, but surprise, surprise, it's being censored. Oh for the love of Pete Sampras. Van's gay! There's nothing wrong with being gay! It's okay that he's gay! This shouldn't be a big deal. The sky is blue, water is wet, and Van is gay. (Of course, it's up to the board mods to censor at will, so I'm not going over there to cause trouble. I just don't see the sense in trying to stick your finger in the dam, as it were.)

I know some people will argue that we shouldn't discuss the private lives of celebrities, but I think that ship has long sailed, been dashed against the rocks, and sold for spare lumber.

something gay no doubt, luke/noah

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