I've seen a bunch of comments on my flist shuddering at the thought of the new
90210 spinoff, but I'm totally up for it. Especially if it features cute boys and is funny. I didn't always agree with Rob Thomas's choices on VM, but I think he's a talented writer and showrunner. My appetite for teen drama seems to be something I shall never outgrow.
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Interesting article about HBO. I only read it for the info on True Blood (on page four), which I am seriously so excited about. Stephen Moyer in that picture isn't really how I pictured Bill, but Anna Paquin looks perfect as Sookie. I really hope this show is great. This made me laugh out loud:
Anna Paquin, who played the daughter in the film The Piano, stars as Sookie Stackhouse, a waitress mind reader smitten with a vampire.
Apparently the Business Week audience haven't been to the multiplex in 15 years and wouldn't have seen Anna in X Men, etc.
Some of the casting is interesting. I love
Chris Bauer, but he's a much older Andy than in the books. Stellan Skarsgard's son,
Alexander, has been cast as Eric. Interesting that they've cast him already. Lorena is also due to appear in S1, so clearly they are not doing one book = one season.
That's actually totally okay with me, because we can't for season six for Sookie to find out that Bill initially pursued her at the queen's behest. Oh, Bill. I just finished book six last night and I was in tears when Bill showed up right at the end to tell Sookie that he truly did love her, no matter what his initial goal had been. I understand why Sookie is so upset, and she deserves to be. But I want her with Bill in the end or this series is going to be bittersweet for me.
I enjoy Sookie's other romantic entanglements, although I think it's too Mary Sue that almost every supe trips all over themselves fawning over Sookie. (I know, I know, fairy blood. But still.) I like Eric, I like Alcide, I like Quinn. (Calvin I can take or leave.) But Bill and Sookie are definitely my OTP.
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I was a bit behind on ATWT, but just have today's ep to watch. I love how completely ridiculous Parker's trial was. The poor Synder actors had to make a ton of Meaningful Looks in the gallery. Oy vey. It was hilarious. I think my fave part of the past week's eps was when Casey was shirtless with his pants riding looooow for half an episode. Once he gets that haircut, he'll be even cuter. Also, I look forward to him
interacting more with Luke. They really need to mesh the young people's storylines. It was funny how Luke and Noah and Ameera went to Parker's trial when I don't recall Parker ever once sharing a scene with them. They all live at the farm, but it's a timeshare arrangement, apparently. Oh, and is Matt staying on the show? Because that guy is cute and can actually act.
I finished my Firefly rewatch. Oh, show. Serenity made me bawl, which it does every time, without fail. I so wish there could be another movie. I miss the crew.