QAF Fic: "The Twelve Years of Christmas" 9/12

Dec 23, 2004 20:31

Can I just say how much it sucks having to work a full day on the 23rd of December? Not to mention how much it sucks having to work until 1pm tomorrow? It's just wrong. Wrong, I say! So today I typed up this chapter that I've been working since the weekend in protest. Take that, evil corporate world!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this and get a chance to see it, as I'm sure a lot of you are probably not going to be online much now. As always, thanks so much for the wonderful feedback, it truly makes me all bouncy and happy. :) Happy holidays everyone!

Previous parts are here.

Brian gripped the steering wheel and exhaled sharply. “It’s not like you never work late.”

“I’m not saying I don’t. But you’ve worked the past six weekends in a row. You never used to work weekends.”

“Things have been crazy with this new client. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.”

“I know. I just feel like you’re avoiding me or something.” Justin cringed at the needy tone in his voice.

They pulled up in front of Ben and Michael’s house and Brian cut the engine. “Justin, I just have to do some extra work for a while. It isn’t about you.”

“Yeah, exactly.” Justin got out and closed the door behind him, heading into the house without waiting.

Jenny barreled out into the hallway and squealed, “Uncle Justin!”

He hugged her tightly. “Hi Jenny.” As he pulled back and admired her green velvet dress with matching hair ribbons, he told her, “You look absolutely beautiful.” She beamed and twirled around to show off the flounce in her skirt.

“Hey, merry Christmas!” Michael hugged Justin warmly. “Where’s Brian?”

“Just having a cigarette,” Justin lied. He couldn’t very well say that he was brooding, and besides, he was probably smoking anyway.

“I thought he was trying to quit,” Michael sighed.

“Yeah. ‘Trying’ being the operative word.”

They moved into the living room for more greetings, and Justin tried not to worry about the fact that Ben felt thinner in his arms. He knew Ben was still doing well, but he couldn’t help but think of Uncle Vic, and how he had seemed fine right up to the day he died.

Hunter’s girlfriend shook his hand shyly and when Justin hugged Hunter he whispered that she was a babe, which made Hunter blush. Emmett and Drew were showing photos from their recent trip to Italy and Lindz told Mel, for what was probably not the first time, that they should go to Italy themselves. Mel said there was too much going on at the firm the next year, and Justin smirked. She and Brian were definitely far more alike than they’d ever admit.

Ted and Adam arrived with Deb and Carl, and Justin grinned when Debbie called him ‘Sunshine.’ He’d never gotten sick of that nickname for some reason, and when she enveloped him in her arms, he felt a surge of love.

His Mom and Molly were stuck spending Christmas Eve with a bunch of cousins and aunts and uncles whom Justin had never really liked very much. He thought that choosing your family was much more civilized than relying on accidents of birth.

Gus gave him a quick hug and then did the same to Brian, who had finally graced them with his presence. Brian ruffled Gus' hair and Gus rolled his eyes artfully. He had started junior high and suddenly thought he was too cool to act like a little kid. When Brian complained about it, Justin just reminded him that Gus took after his old man.

Brian would invariably sneer and say that he wasn’t old.


After dinner, everyone settled in the living room to gossip and fter a while, Justin wandered into the kitchen and filled up the sink. He started washing the dinner plates, his mind far away.

“Hey, you’re not supposed to be doing the dishes!” Michael came up behind him and tried to pluck the sponge from his hand.

“I just need something menial to do. It’s soothing for some reason.”

“But you’re a guest.”

“Oh please, I’ve been here, like, a thousand times,” Justin said, putting another plate on the dish rack.

“Well, that’s true. But you know we have a dishwasher.”

“I’ll save you a bit on your water bill.”

“Okay, if you insist.” Michael grabbed a dishtowel and started drying. After a minute he said, “So, what’s up with you two?”


“You and Brian. What’s up?”

Justin shrugged. “Nothing.”

“Don’t give me that,” Michael said, rolling his eyes. “I’ve known you both too well and for too long to buy that for a second.”

Justin smiled. “Busted.” He washed another plate and Michael waited patiently for him to continue. Finally he said, “He’s working a lot lately. Like, a lot. And I understand that he needs to right now, I guess I’m just feeling…neglected, or something.”

“Right. I can understand that.”

“But Jesus, listen to me! I sound like some pathetic housewife writing into Cosmo.”

Michael laughed. “Too bad Ann Landers and Dear Abby are dead, I’m sure they could give you some great advice.”

“Undoubtedly.” Justin scrubbed a knife and a bit of water splashed up into his face. He wiped it away absently. “I guess it’s just building up. We haven’t done anything in ages, you know?”


“I mean, I know he has to work hard for this new client, but isn’t that why he has a staff? He’s the president, he should be able to delegate.”

Michael intoned seriously, “But Justin, no one could possibly do it as well as he can.”

Justin laughed softly. “Of course not.”

They continued doing the dishes in companionable silence. Then Michael said, “I know he works too much sometimes, but it’s really important to him.”

“I know, but-”

“Wait, let me finish. But you’re just as important.”

Justin sighed. “I know, but sometimes it doesn’t feel like that. And I’m not saying I’m perfect, it’s just…I don’t know.”

“Do you remember way back when you guys were supposed to go somewhere, and then Brian had to go somewhere else for business? So you went without him?”

“Yeah, it was Vermont. We were supposed to go to Vermont. We’ve still never gone together.”

Michael dried some silverware while he spoke. “I always remember when he came looking for you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“When he came looking for you that night after he made partner. We were in line for Babylon, and he practically ran up, all excited. He said hi to us but the whole time he was looking for you, totally distracted. Finally he asked where you were, and when we told him you went away, it was a balloon deflating. And I mean, this was Brian Kinney.”

He shook his head thoughtfully and went on. “I don’t know why I still remember that. I guess it was just one of those moments when I knew that things really had changed. That Brian really had, even if he didn’t want to admit it. Even if I didn’t want to admit it. You know, he didn’t even tell us about his promotion, he just left. All he wanted was you.”

Justin stared at Michael, words stubbornly refusing to form on his tongue. It was so long ago, but he could remember the anger and frustration like it was yesterday. It was pretty similar to what he had been feeling lately. Pretty damn similar indeed.

Michael shrugged and started putting the cutlery away in the drawer. “Sorry, I’m sure this isn’t really helping now, since that was a million years ago.”

“No, it helps.” Justin smiled and hugged him briefly. “It helps.”


Just after midnight, everyone started saying their goodbyes, and as Justin and Brian were walking out the front door, Jenny suddenly squealed with a surprising amount of energy, considering she’d been asleep on the couch just minutes before.

“You have to kiss!” She clapped in delight.

“Huh?” Justin just wanted to go home and go to bed.

She pointed up. “Mistletwo!”

Brian and Justin looked up and sighed in unison, which led to raised eyebrows from Ben and Michael.

“You mean mistletoe, sweetie,” Ben said.

“You have to kiss now!” Jenny ordered.

They pressed their lips together briefly and made their escape, waving behind them as they hurried to the car. They navigated the empty, quiet streets in silence, Justin leaning his head on the cool window.

Brian found a parking spot on the street and they trudged across the road towards home, the only sound the snow crunching beneath their feet. Justin opened the outer door and was about to go in when Brian reached out and grabbed his arm.

“What?” Justin asked. Brian just looked at him intently, and kissed him.

Really, really kissed him.

Justin was crushed against his body, Brian’s tongue deep in his mouth. Their teeth collided and he tasted cigarettes and eggnog. For the next...forever, it seemed like, they kissed each other with a desperation Justin hadn’t felt in ages. When they finally pulled apart, he took a ragged breath.

Brian leaned their foreheads together, his fervour gone as quickly as it had come. It was replaced with a peaceful calm, and Justin wrapped his arms around Brian’s waist and relaxed into him. They stood quietly, their breath mingling together in the frosty air.

Inside, they stripped their clothes off and huddled under the covers, bodies slick and seeking. Their hands and mouths roamed and teased slowly, and when Brian sucked him into his mouth, Justin had to stop himself from coming right then and there.

When they were both hard and panting and restless, Justin raised his legs and Brian slid inside him in one smooth motion. Justin moaned and thought for the nine-millionth time that he’d never, ever get sick of sex with Brian. And that being able to really feel him, skin on skin, was the most amazing thing ever.

Brian leaned down and kissed him, his tongue reaching out for Justin’s. He thrust with long and deliberate strokes, little breaths escaping his parted lips. He angled lower and deeper and pushed harder, smiling down faintly when he hit just the right spot. Justin closed his eyes and pulled him closer with yearning hands.

Sometimes, Brian could make everything perfect without ever saying a word.

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