QAF Fic: "The Twelve Years of Christmas," 8/12

Dec 22, 2004 23:34

OMG, life has been so busy! I haven't been on LJ in days and while I had hoped to have this all done before Xmas, clearly that ain't gonna happen. So now am hoping to have it all done by New Year's.

Have just returned from drunken festivities at Woody's, and should be going to bed, but wanted to post this first. Hope you all enjoy it and thank you so much to everyone who has been feedbacking so...marvellously. Can't think of more appropriate word. Am too drunk.

(And let me tell you: Going to the bathroom at Woody's? Always an adventure, my friends. Always an adventure.)

Other chapters are here.

Brian had just settled into bed when he heard Justin coming up the stairs. Justin flicked off the light over the sink in the kitchen and crept into the bedroom.

“You still awake?” He slipped his shirt over his head.

“Clearly, or you wouldn’t have asked.”

Justin tossed the shirt at him and ducked into the bathroom. When he climbed into bed a few minutes later, he pressed up against Brian’s bare chest.

“Jesus!” Brian squirmed away. “Your hands are freezing!”

“Well, warm them up.” Justin reached down to stroke Brian’s cock.

“They’re still cold,” Brian muttered, but he didn’t stop him. “So, have a good day at work? Hear any exciting news by the water cooler?”

Justin laughed. “Yes, I told myself all the latest on the Britney Spears/Nick Carter divorce.”

“Third time’s the charm. And I really thought he was the one.”

Justin shook his head sadly. “I know. She said their love would last forever.” His hand moved steadily on Brian’s cock.

Brian’s breathing hitched slightly as Justin lightly played with his balls. “So did you work out that storyline? The one with the new villain?”

“No, but the painting I’m doing is looking pretty good.” He leaned over and sucked one of Brian’s nipples into his mouth.

“Don’t you have to have the new storyboards done before Christmas?”

“I will, don’t worry. I have two whole days.”

“Just remember we’ve got-” Brian inhaled sharply and stopped talking as Justin’s mouth closed over the head of his cock. His tongue swirled around expertly, and Brian reached out to run his fingers through Justin’s hair. After a few minutes, Justin licked his way up Brian’s body and straddled his hips.

They kissed, lips soft, but tongues searching. Brian’s fingers danced up Justin’s spine and they rubbed their hard cocks together, both moaning softly. Brian arched up, trying to get more contact.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and they looked at each other, chests rising. “Leave it,” Brian said. Justin nodded and they kissed again, skin sliding and hips thrusting.

There was another knock.

Justin sighed. “It might be important.” Before Brian could argue, Justin got up and slipped a robe on as he headed towards the door. A few moments later Brian heard the door slide open. Then silence. Then some low voices, one of which he couldn’t distinguish.

Justin returned, an unreadable expression on his face. “Molly’s here.”

Merry fucking Christmas.


Molly perched on the edge of the couch and darted looks around the room. Brian settled down in an armchair and watched her dispassionately. Justin pulled his sweatshirt back on as he returned from the bedroom, then sat on the other end of the couch.

“So. What’s up?” Justin asked.

“Um…I don’t know. Some stuff with Dad.”

“Uh huh. And you’re here because….”

“Because I made a huge mistake.”

“Oh, which mistake was that?” Brian arched his eyebrow. “Was that when you stopped talking to your mother, or when you called your brother a disgusting pervert and told him you never wanted to see him again?”

She stammered something unintelligible.

“I can’t help but notice that ‘never’ isn’t as long as it used to be,” Brian said.

“Brian.” Justin gave him a look, then turned back to his sister. “Molly, just tell me what’s going on.”

“I was an idiot.”

Brian sneered, unimpressed. “Yes, you were.”

“Brian. Just let her talk, okay?”

Brian said nothing, but waved his hand in acquiescence. He had learned the hard way with Claire and his mother that sometimes family just wasn’t worth the trouble. Jennifer had been devastated when Molly had moved out during her senior year of high school to live with her father and his new bible-thumping wife.

He supposed it was Molly's form of rebellion against her liberal mother. Fucking kids, there was no pleasing them. He wondered briefly whether Gus would start spouting anti-gay propaganda by the time he finished high school.

“Justin, I know I was a complete moron and that I said a lot of awful things. But I’m really sorry, okay?” Molly looked at Justin with pleading eyes.

“No, it’s not okay,” he said.


“Molly, you can’t just swan in here after you have a fight with Dad and expect me to just forgive you. It’s been two years since you’ve even talked to me. And you hardly talk to Mom. Do you know how hard that’s been for her?”

Tears slipped down Molly’s cheeks. “I know. I’m sorry.”

“So what?” Justin’s voice rose. “You totally shut her out.”

“I wish I could take it back, believe me.” She ran a hand through her hair and wiped her eyes. “I don’t know what I was thinking. Mom was pissing me off and it seemed like suddenly Dad had all the answers. He treated me like a princess; he gave me everything and he let me get away with murder.”

“So to hell with your mother and your brother,” Brian said.

“Yeah, pretty much.” She sniffled and turned to Justin. “I was wrong. So wrong.”

Justin sighed. “So what brought about this epiphany?”

“I met this guy at school. In my poly-sci tutorial.”

“Gee, let me guess. Dad doesn’t want you to have a boyfriend, and now you want to live with Mom again. Or hit me up for money to get your own apartment.”

“No! Justin, I swear, it’s not like that.”

“Fine, what’s it like?”

“Okay, this guy? He’s gay. And he’s been a really good friend. And it just…he makes me miss you. And he makes me think about how Dad’s an idiot for just cutting you out of his life. And for thinking the things he thinks.”

Justin’s tone was neutral, and Brian knew it was a struggle. “So now you’ve been queer-eyed and you want to be my sister again.”

“I know you don’t have any reason to believe me.”

“No, I don’t.”

She sniffed and hugged herself. “You don’t understand what it was like. You and Mom…you always had your special little world, just the two of you. It was never like that with me.”

Justin snorted. “What are you talking about? Mom and I fought all the time.”

“But it didn’t matter. You guys still have a connection that I could never compete with. I mean, I know Mom loves me, but…you were always special. And Dad made me feel special when I really needed it.”

“So it’s our fault that you suddenly turned into this selfish, homophobic bitch,” Justin said.

She shook her head. “No, that’s not what I’m saying. It was my fault, and if you never want to forgive me for all the horrible things I said about you and Brian, then I understand. But I’m sorry, and I hope you’ll change your mind.”

Brian wondered what she’d said about him, but didn’t pursue it. He could imagine well enough.

“So, that’s all I wanted to say. I’m going to go home and talk to Mom. I’ll…I’ll see you around.” She got up and practically ran out the door.

Neither of them tried to stop her.


Christmas dinner at Deb’s was a crowded affair, and Brian had retreated to the backyard for a cigarette, even though Gus gave him dirty looks and lectured him constantly on the dangers of smoking.

“You know, you’ll catch hell from your son,” Justin said, as he came outside and shivered in the cold night air.

Brian shrugged. “I like to live dangerously.”

Justin smiled halfheartedly, and Brian reached out to pull him close. He hadn’t been himself since Molly’s visit, and Brian didn’t know what the fuck to do about it. Justin had been so hurt when she’d rejected him, and he didn’t want this to be another mood swing that ended with Justin on the losing end.

He butt out his cigarette and kissed Justin softly. He could feel him relax in his arms, and he wondered if they could leave early without getting grief from everyone. After a few minutes of kissing, Justin murmured, “They’ll be wondering where we are.”

“If they know us at all, they won’t be wondering for very long.”

Justin laughed, and after a few more kisses, pulled him inside. They stamped their feet at the back door and came in just in time to see Jennifer arrive, with Molly in tow. Molly looked nervous as hell, and everyone regarded her with open curiosity and confusion. Brian could feel the tension return to Justin’s body.

After a few moments, Justin moved away and hugged his mother. Then he turned to Molly, and everyone held their breath.

“Hey Mollusk,” he said, holding his arms out. She hugged him tightly, and Brian knew Jennifer was trying desperately not to cry. Debbie was also sniffing suspiciously.

Later in the kitchen, Molly helped him with the drinks. She was painfully eager to please, and Brian considered leaving her on the hook for a while longer before being nice to her again, just to teach her a lesson.

Then he remembered how happy Justin had looked when he held her, and he slung his arm around her shoulders as he showed her how to make the perfect martini.

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