SPN ficlet: Red Wiggler

Nov 21, 2007 22:12

It’s Quellefromage’s birthday plus one! In honour of her happiest of days (plus one), I’ve taken a few prompts and cobbled together a rather ungainly ficlet. The usual disclaimers: gen, not mine, the boys, language. Prompts listed at the end. No beta, so if there’s stuff that’s wrong, well. Yeah.

Red Wiggler )

ficlet, fanfic, spn

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Comments 80

Oh my carocali November 22 2007, 04:57:25 UTC
Um, well, I'm not sure that a puke fic was the right thing before Thanksgiving (do you celebrate there?) because I'm sure that overindulgence will be my friend tomorrow. My stomach is churning already!

I SO see Dean doing something like this and leave it to you to bring that bad side of the boy out - in a good way, I mean, well, you get it...



Re: Oh my big_pink November 22 2007, 22:32:36 UTC
Oh, I know. My timing wasn't the best, was it?

Yes, we Canucks do Thanksgiving, but we time it earlier so we have time to work up till Christmas. You silly americans get yourselves ill with turkey, having the two holidays so close together.


embroiderama November 22 2007, 05:00:45 UTC
Heeeee! Oh, holy crap, this is awesome. I love Sam sitting back and analyzing the disaster.


big_pink November 22 2007, 22:33:39 UTC
I think Sam was kinda raised like that -- I can see him seeing the irony in everything at a rather young age. A side product of having such a forward motion brother like Dean.


erinrua November 22 2007, 05:15:04 UTC
*dies laughing and flailing*

That is all. *G*

~ Erin


big_pink November 22 2007, 22:34:09 UTC
So I've killed you? That is, indeed, all. :)


kimonkey7 November 22 2007, 05:52:24 UTC
Ah...there's nothing like good vomit fic. :)

See? Look how well you got on with this. There's no reason you can't pound out a little something between now and the fourth, giant puppets be damned.

Wait...damned, cursed giant puppets!

*toggles brows*

Huh? Huh? Anyone?


big_pink November 22 2007, 22:35:38 UTC
That's what I say. Nothing like a good puke-o-rama to fill the hours.

See, I could get addicted to this fast stuff. A coupla prompts and bob's your uncle! Insta!fic!

Is your birthday prompt giant puppets? That's the best you can do?


kimonkey7 November 22 2007, 22:40:52 UTC
CURSED giant puppets.

Also: a flaming taco of hatred, a bottle opener, and please explain how Dean got his beautifuuly crooked, previously broken nose. :)

Or whatever. Or nothing. Maybe something about the Renaissance period.



big_pink November 22 2007, 22:47:55 UTC
Let's recap:
Cursed giant puppets.
Flaming taco of hatred.
A bottle opener.
Dean getting his nose broken.
Renaissance period.

That's all you got?


gimlisgloin November 22 2007, 06:49:06 UTC
That was all kinds of brilliance and awesome!!!! Great job! =)


big_pink November 22 2007, 22:36:20 UTC
I think it's a fairly dim bulb myself, but thanks for the words, you. It's just so nice to have a reason to write up a fast fic. *beams*


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