SPN fic: Fire in the Hole 6/9, part two

Jul 29, 2007 15:42

Fire in the Hole, 6/9 (Part Two)

Chapter 6/No Regrets, Coyote (Part Two)

Part Two )

fire, fic, spn

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Comments 98

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big_pink July 30 2007, 17:49:23 UTC
Thanks so much! It was burning a hole in my pocket the size of Texas.


barkley July 30 2007, 00:20:31 UTC
I totally forgive you for getting "Take It Easy" stuck in my head for the ultra cool reveal with it at the end. On the backwards sections, I'm always thinking, "she can't break me. I know how it ends!" and you end up doing it anyway. From coyote as May to the take-it-easy-spell to the birthday.

I loved it all, as usual.


big_pink July 30 2007, 17:51:01 UTC
I know, it's starting to become a little game with me, trying to figure out the backwards sections and how I can use it best to build drama and tension. You'd think that I couldn't wring much from it, but I'm learning. And sorry about the song, really. At least we're all suffering together.


indusnm July 30 2007, 00:26:13 UTC
Hm, the timeline sometimes throws me off, but it's great. Wonderfully written, keeps me guessing, and makes me want to kick someone's ass. Everyone just seems to be trying to survive, and they're all ready to throw Dean to the dogs in order to do it. On the other hand, he's just trying to be there for all of them and keep some semblance of himself doing it.
I love that. It seems so true to canon, the way he wants his family together, that he asks Sam to stay, and how he breaks up fights between Sam and their father.
Oh, the Dean angst. So easy to imagine, so interesting to read, so amazing to watch. Love your stories, as usual.


big_pink July 30 2007, 17:52:40 UTC
Jesus, you think the timeline throws YOU off? Dang, try writing it! Don't operate heavy machinery and try to read this at the same time. Thanks for the lovely words, though. *pets your cat on the head because he/she seems to want it*


indusnm July 31 2007, 02:50:35 UTC
I just pat him on the head for you!


riverbella July 30 2007, 01:43:58 UTC
The chapter was well worth the wait. I'm a little stunned, as usual, by your insight and the fertility of your imagination. Coyote's questions are still ringing in my ear. As is Dean's phone, used as a weapon against him. Reading this was a bit like the mixed pleasure and pain of picking at a scab. Vicarious suffering has its appeal. This is a particularly partisan chapter, at least it seems that way to me. I am usually able to exercise a broader outlook and understand/sympathize with John's and Sam's motivations, but right now I just pretty much hate them both for what they are doing to Dean. I feel perverse--I love this, but it fucking hurts!


big_pink July 30 2007, 17:55:45 UTC
Oooooh, the suffering. You'd think I was all dark and gloomy and I"m really actually absurdly upbeat. Relentlessly so. Thing is, I LOVE John and Sam, but yeah, they're all not actually talking much to each other because that would involve -- as Bobby says -- talking. And the Wins don't really do that, as we see from canon. I do tend to write as close to canon as I'm able, before Kripke gets me (which he will; you so know he will...next season's opener, just watch Bobby say, "Oh, yeah, I've known both of you boys since you were babies!" and that will be that). Thanks!


#6 ewanmax July 30 2007, 01:46:22 UTC
You have no idea.....seeing this posted...... knowing you were on your way back...... knowing I was going to just fall here for awhile.......
The lump in my chest came back and as much as it ached with every hurt thrust upon him, I reveled in it..... you are amazing and god it sucked waiting for you..... and I am so glad you are back......
This May character (interesting), Bobby's commentary about the John/Dean/Sam dynamic (awesome), Sam's birthday/Dean's birthday (heartbreaking), Dean's every move and thought (priceless).
God, I missed you!


Re: #6 big_pink July 30 2007, 17:58:41 UTC
Oh, this vacation's lasted for-ever. You know, I'm heartily SICK of vacation. Flying back home today, then turning around and going to a cottage with pals for a couple of days, then to a wedding this weekend...it's neverending. Jeeeeezus. But the next bit of the story I'm hoping will come fast and furious, because the last three chapters are really all of a piece. They also might be slightly shorter because I'm not having to fold in the 'second story' as much -- yep, that's right. We're going to Vegas. So it's all Nevada, all the time! Fun!


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