SPN fic: Dazzleland 8B/10

Mar 02, 2007 21:54

And here's the next bit...

Also, for those lovely lovelies leaving comments -- many thanks and I'll be responding to everything, just as soon as the coffee kicks in. *kisses*

Read the rest of Chapter 8/Daredevil )

supernatural, fanfic, dazzleland

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Comments 95

r727 March 3 2007, 04:46:56 UTC
Lady, you're killing me. I've been keeping up with this and been too shy to say anything, but holy crap. The letters "TBC" are so cruel.

I love your writing. You cover so many angles of a story, through different time periods and different POVs, and you do it so well. The boys act like true brothers and John's so stubborn I wanna punch him in the jaw. ^^ Your OCs are great and, god, as soon as I read the bit about the newspaper on Billy's computer, I knew Toad was gonna go. ;_; Why, Toad, why? *cries*

And you leave us off on a school shooting and sociopathic Billy and Sam in the middle and holy jesus what's coming next?

I await faithfully. :)


big_pink March 3 2007, 14:23:27 UTC
Oh, hi there. Don't be shy. I don't bite. I bounce around a lot, but I'm friendly as hell. Imagine me: just a Jack Russell terrier.

Yeah, I tried to keep Toad close to me chest, but it was going to come out this chapter anyway, so I left enough breadcrumbs, I reckon. I'm not by nature a very 'plotty' writer, I don't think. Not one for the big twist, not unless it walks right up and introduces itself.

Sorry about the TBC, but I gotta go to sleep at some point, you know? ;)


quellefromage March 3 2007, 04:50:42 UTC
Oh. Oh...man. My heart. You've torn it out, and stamped on it with your tiny little feets.

It's all fallen into place and it's all gone to hell. And no wonder Sam left, and Dean stayed, and Toad...sniff. And, DAMMIT JOHN!!! Stupid, stupid, stubborn man.

Oh, Dean, you and crime scenes...wtf? I love that Sam isn't worried that Dean will leave, because he's not the one who leaves. sniff again.

Billy...damn...confused and freaking evil...trying to out guess the yed...and doesn't even realize he's just a pawn.

Run, Sammy, Run!!!

Dammit. I've gotta put my head between my knees. You've made me dizzy...
Amazing work. I applaud you before I collapse in a heap...


big_pink March 3 2007, 14:26:06 UTC
Oh, John. You know, a few months ago, I was really not looking forward to writing John. And now I can't stop. He drives me crazy and I love him and I hate him intensely, all of which is good grist for a writer's mill.

don't you love how Dean always wanders around crime scenes touching stuff! I mean, wtf indeed. Why don't you LICK something Dean? Leave some DNA? Dolt.

I love that Billy's not the best little YED soldier, too lazy to practice his mind-blocking skills. Such a teenager. snerk. I can see YED all pissed off at him.


minim_calibre March 3 2007, 04:51:24 UTC
Oh, Toad. Poor, poor Toad.

And... gah. Just... these poor, poor, screwed up, screwed to hell people. All of them.


big_pink March 3 2007, 14:28:04 UTC
Oh, I KNOW. Kripke gives 'em to us all buggered up and then we writers just mess with them some more. Such torture. And I can't get enough. I then have to invent OCs to torture, too! It's like a freakin' abattoir in here!


meteordust March 3 2007, 04:56:33 UTC
Way to kill us with that ending, the double whammy of both storylines hitting their crisis point. I really love how plotty and complex and dense all your SPN stories are, and how much emotion is bound up in them.

I get the feeling I'm going to be haunting LJ until the next part is posted.


big_pink March 3 2007, 14:31:14 UTC
Hello! *waves* By chapter 8 of a 10 chapter fic, if I'm not leaving you at a crisis point, I'm not doing my job. Usually I'm a weekly poster, but this one's taking a bit longer because of RL also hitting several crises at the same time (nothing bad, just insane busy). Thanks.


cofax7 March 3 2007, 05:46:52 UTC


big_pink March 3 2007, 14:33:36 UTC
*composes self delicately*


*flails in return*


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