(the light of love you'll one day light in my eyes)

Jun 12, 2011 12:02

 team •

Hover for their names.

Porkie was Bianca's first Pokémon, a gift from Professor Juniper. He tends to be rather protective of her despite her objections and insistence that she can handle herself. When he works with her Soul Gem, Bianca is able to make sick fires, for a lack of a better term. It's a very offensive strategy and an incredibly reckless one.

Lilli was the first Pokémon Bianca caught on her own. She's very large for a Stoutland, and almost tries to act like she's Bianca's mother. Like Porkie, she can get protective, but at the same time knows to let Bianca do her thing. When she works with her soul gem, Bianca mostly just gets "buffs", like stronger attacks, becoming faster and being able to take hits harder.

Panny is undoubtedly the most reckless on Bianca's team, and is always going out of his way to look for a fight. He firmly believes that he's the strongest out there and will fight for that title. When he works with Bianca's soul gem, she becomes faster and is able to hit much harder, much like with Mien-Mien but with power being the most affected.

Munny, being asleep as often as she is, doesn't have as much interaction with the rest of the rest of the team. She's very close to Bianca, though, and fears strangers like a small, clingy child. When she works with Bianca's soul gem, Bianca gets some very minor psychic abilities (just some telekinesis and quick teleportation) but mostly she just gets really sleepy.

Mien-Mien is the voice of reason on Bianca's team, probably having more common sense than the trainer herself. She acts as a grounding to Panny's rambunctiousness and generally keeps everybody out of trouble. When she works with Bianca's soul gem, she becomes much more agile and her attacks hit harder, much like with Panny but with her speed being the most affected.

Ghostlight is just a liiitle unsettling to anyone who doesn't know him as well as Bianca seems to. She doesn't seem to realize that he is a huge yandere for her, however, and tends to be just a little bit too close to her or a little to violent towards those she's close to. When he works with her soul gem, she gets some interesting ghost powers that can cripple her opponent. She thinks they're scary, though, and they leave her with a headache, so she usually doesn't use them.

ooc, !info

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