Title: The Feat Pairing: Senshi/Shitennou, but mostly Mako/Neph Genre: Angst Theme: None Rating:PG A/N: Written to help me explore a new genre of fanfiction
Thank you. It means a lot to hear that. As to the poetic-ness, I wasn't sure it would work. This was a step outside my normal writing style and I am very glad someone liked it!
Yes. It was the emerging memories that I was trying to capture.
Yeah, I was going for the "deep in shock" response to her parents' unfortunate demise. However, I do believe Makoto did cry afterward, and, even though the reaction as to why she didn't in the firstplace was understandable,she would regret not crying later on in life.
Thanks for your feedback though, Makoto is one of the senshi I have the hardest time writing for, so suggestions are always welcome, especially from you.:D
"But she would resent those same stars and wonder if they told had him that he was going to betray everyone he loved, and whether it would have made any difference if they had.
But unlike him, she never received any answers."
There is so much behind those sentences. They make such an impact. The perfect ending to a wonderful ficlet
Comments 7
The only issue I would have is that I do think that Makoto probably cried at her parents' death, being as she was fairly youngish.
Yeah, I was going for the "deep in shock" response to her parents' unfortunate demise. However, I do believe Makoto did cry afterward, and, even though the reaction as to why she didn't in the firstplace was understandable,she would regret not crying later on in life.
Thanks for your feedback though, Makoto is one of the senshi I have the hardest time writing for, so suggestions are always welcome, especially from you.:D
But unlike him, she never received any answers."
There is so much behind those sentences. They make such an impact. The perfect ending to a wonderful ficlet
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