The "Side Effects" of Hollywood Biphobia

Mar 05, 2013 18:03

Every single review for Steven Soderbergh's new thriller 'Side Effects' has praised the film for three things: Soderbergh's knack for building suspense, great performances by the four lead actors (Jude Law, Rooney Mara, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Channing Tatum), and the pulse-pounding impact of the final twenty minutes that reveal a surprise twist ( Read more... )

bisexuality, bisexual discrimination, film review, bi magazine, action alerts, movies, anil vora, biphobia, articles pro-bi, tropes, bisexual women, films

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Comments 2

Side Effects ext_1685788 March 6 2013, 17:51:57 UTC
I'm not sure if it matters to you, but as someone who worked on the film..I wanted to let you know that Dr. Siebert's character was originally a man. When the actor that Soderbergh had in mind couldn't do the film at the last minute..he chose Catherine..The choice not being to make the film into some sort of bi-vengence thriller..but that perhaps that character being a woman, the audience may not see the 'twist' coming to an even stronger degree. I don't believe a word of dialogue was changed from the switch to the character from male to female. Also I know that in talking about the 'surprise' of the film..the filmmakers didn't think of the bi-relationship as being the 'surprise' but the fact that Rooney's character was faking the entire time and that it was all a sham. (her being sick)


Re: Side Effects bialogue March 6 2013, 18:26:28 UTC
and Anil Vora (Bi Magazine's fantastic film reviewer) totally calls it once again! See here from the full review --

The film gives no reason or explanation for why the character of Siebert had to be a bisexual woman. I can imagine the studio pitch where some exec suggests changing Victor Siebert (maybe Clive Owen was considered for that part) to Victoria Siebert. "Wouldn't it be more interesting if it was a female therapist being seduced by another woman?" One reviewer even used the word "titillating". Our sexual orientation - one that we have reconciled with after agonizing inner turmoil and at the risk of societal rejection - is a source of titillation for Hollywood.


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