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Comments 4

Help veterans jimamily December 20 2010, 03:32:30 UTC
Help veterans and all those who have served our country so well find jobs today! Please spread the word. Take 2 minutes and click on our page and use the "Suggest to Friends" button on the left to invite all your friends to help veterans find jobs! www.facebook.com/chooseveterans and www.chooseveterans.com


donnalee_kiss December 20 2010, 21:05:29 UTC
I'm so happy to see it's finally coming to pass, and I believe this is the pivotal moment people will look back on and say this meant something; a turning point in our history and for our nation.


bialogue December 20 2010, 21:47:36 UTC


econaft January 11 2011, 09:09:06 UTC

... )


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