[USA]: Delaware City Councilman Ezra Temko Comes Out as Bi

Feb 12, 2009 20:26

23-year-old (ed. Newark) Delaware City Councilman Ezra Temko introduced and got support from the City Council for an anti-discrimination ordinance based on sexual orientation and won support to add gender identity to the city's non-discrimination clause in its personnel policy. He also got the Council to agree to research health benefits for the city's domestic partners and the creation of a domestic partner registry.

And, on top of that, he came out of the closet publicly, in an interview with the Newark Post (Councilman Temko opens up about his sexual orientation: A Newark love story).

Said Temko: "I’m bi. I’ve dated girls before, but I’ve been with my boyfriend, Drew, since August and we’re planning to get engaged this summer. During college, I was in a very inclusive environment that embraced everyone, instead of accepting norms as legitimate on face value. I was able, in this environment, to explore who I was and realize that I’m bisexual. I always assumed I would end up with a girl; then I met Drew."

CLICK HERE To read the full article in Towleroad Delaware City Councilman Ezra Temko Comes Out with a Flourish
(yes Towleroad, even if they seem unable to actually figure out how to SPELL the word "bisexual" *rolls-eyes*)

The biphobic comments this piece engendered.

The guys is here, queer, out of the closet and doing a whole bunch of great things for the entire LGBT Community and all these fools can do is mock him and be petty?

What is wrong with these people?

elections, articles, coming out, towleroad

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