Спецкурс: Формальная семантика и формальная прагматика
Barbara H. Partee, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
МГУ, Feb-June 2009
Курс начинается с краткого введения в формальную семантику и в неформальную прагматику.
Затем будут рассмотрены некоторые центральные темы, связанные с развитием «динамической семантики» и формальной прагматики. Темы
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Comments 5
I am very happy that You will teach us pragmatics!
Since the course is intended primarily for 3rd and 4th year OTiPL students, they are the ones who will have the deciding votes on the choice of time, so for others, it's completely optional whether you come to that first meeting.
I will probably put up the website for the course next weekend (Feb 7 or 8), and when the regular meeting time is decided, I'll announce it here and on the course website.
Don't forget about Пропуск -- see the note at the end of the main announcement above.
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