Graphics: I Think of You & It's Alright ~

Aug 23, 2012 20:14

Aloha everyone :D

So yes I love the show, I love McDanno, O'Caan and the whole cast but you guys know there will always be a special place for a special someone in my journal, blog & heart!!!

ღ Happy 36th Birthday Scotty ღ

And let's establish that I've been going around today calling a 36 year old guy MY BABY when he's 14 years older than me.. So yeah.. it's my baby's 36 birthday!! And because I run a Scott Caan blog on tumblr.. I made 3 different birthday posts xD

Let's start with the one that took most time and gave me hell:

And straight into post #2:




And last but not least.. his passion & one of the many many reasons I love this bastard:



And I know I don't even remember if I posted about it or not but thanks to all the donations, the birthday project was a success!! Thanks to all the donations we get, the donations we’re made accordingly:
  • Surfers Healing received $300 for sponsoring 4 kids ($75 x 4)
  • The remaining $230 were divided between Life Rolls on & THERAsurf with LRO reciveing $1 less because of some paypal issue & transition fees.
  • Team LRO received $114.
  • THERAsurf received $115.

The donations are appreciated by the foundations. I’m sure Scotty would be proud once he hears about it!! And that's a wrap for me, to all the Scotty fans out there, enjoy the day to the max!!

Mahalo xx

Yours truly,
Scotty's-almost-biggest-fan Bubbles

i'm so in love with you, hawaii five 0, picture perfect, danny "danno" williams, using my graphic education for something, scott caan you drive me crazy

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