(no subject)

Nov 11, 2011 17:52

Title: Loving Me, Loving You
Author: Me 
Starring: The Beatles, Melody Rose Evans (OC), Kristen Anne Williams (OC), Cynthia Lennon, Lauren (friend's OC)
Minor roles:  Pattie Boyd, Brian Epstein, Neil Aspinell, Mal Evans, George Martin, Louise Harrison
Plot: Melody Rose Evans (no relation to Mal Evans) lives in Benton, Illinois. Neighbour and best friend with Louise Harrison. When she meets George Harrison. They have a fight and when they see each other four months later, what will happen?
Disclaimer: None of this is real. I do not own the Beatles. Sadly I was born in the wrong era. The only people I own here is Melody and Kristen.

A/N: Thanks to two people, wish I had more that commented on my story, maybe chapter 2 will get you all going :) And I am sorry about the incorrect history, I sort of forgot about Louise being married with two children, but it is too late... :( I might go back and begin over again, should I? Or is it all right like this?

Previous Chapters:  My Journal

Just to say, I love my sleep, and despise getting woken up by either: the phone, knocking on the door or the sun blaring its rays in my eyes. And of course, Mr. Golden Sun, was doing its job and shining down on me. I stretched slowly, enjoying every moment and got out of bed and sighed.

"Morning." I whispered to myself and walked towards the closet and looked through my clothing, "I should really update my wardrobe." I grabbed my gray sweater vest, white long sleeved shirt and black skirt. I went into my sock drawer got my white knee length socks. Then walking to the bathroom to get dressed and hair ready for another day. Walking down the stair and turning left towards the kitchen, I could only think of one thing that would wake me up for the day and that was a nice cup of coffee. Opening the cupboard door that was above the stove and searching through it, finding my favourite type of coffee, Tasters Choice. Just I was about to start the kettle someone was knocking on my door. I sighed and walked out of the kitchen and down the hall to the front foyer. I reached out to the door knob and turned it and slowly open the door.

"Hello Melody!" my neighbour, Louise Harrison, said taking me into a hug.

"Hi Louise." I greeted her, "Come on in." I smiled at her then just as I was about to shut the door, I saw a young man standing there, with his hand on the door.

"You know it is quite rude to shut the door on guests." he said in a strong British-like accent. I opened the door and watched him walk in. I looked at him closely and realised that this was the man I almost hit on the way home yesterday from the airport.

"You." I said, "You were that guy I almost hit yesterday." He stared at me and then laughed probably remembering at what happened.

"Ah, the lovely bird with a very strong tongue." I stared at him and then at Louise, "So Louise, aren't you going introduce me?" he asked turning towards Louise.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, "Melody, I like to introduce you to my younger brother, George Harrison." she said putting an arm around him. He was so much taller than herself that you wouldn't think he'd be younger.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Melody Evans." I said shaking his head, "So you are British?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Well I'm from England, but I am a Liverpudian." he said with a lopsided grin, which I like to say was pretty sexy.

"So what brings you and your brother here?" I asked knowing that Louise always calls me if she wanted to come over for a visit.

"Well, I am going to be busy today and for the next couple of days." she began, "and I would love to you know, show him around, but like I said I'm busy."

"Okay." I said turning on my kettle and getting a mug out of the cupboard that was situated inside the island counter, "Want a coffee tea?" I asked, both of them shook their heads.

"Anyways... So will you? Show him around and take him to some hot spots?" she asked. I could see in her eyes the pleading and watched her brother make himself comfortable in the nook. I stood there and looked between the both of them.

"Sure, besides I'm not going into work this week, vacation week for me." I said with a smile. Louise smiled and came up to me and gave me a hug.

"Great! Thanks hun." and then she kissed George on the head, which he blushed and tried to tell her not to that,

"Boys when it comes to girls." she winked at me with a smile and left. I smiled and poured the now ready and hot water into  the mug and sat down next to George.

"So what is on the agenda today, Mel?" he asked resting his head on his hand staring at me with a smile.

"Well after I'm done with this coffee we could go to the music store." I replied taking a sip.

"Sounds good, but we might be here all day." he said, I stared at him with a quizzical look, he chuckled, "Well if you keep sipping at your coffee it might be night time." he winked at me. I looked at him for a second, not getting at what he was talking about and then started to laugh.

"Don't worry about that, I usually don't drink all of it." I smiled and took five more sips and poured out the rest and grabbed a bun and spreaded some jam and ate it up, "Ready?" I asked picking up my purse and turning to look at George.

"Of course." he said standing up and we walked out of the house. I grabbed the house keys and my car keys and headed outside.

"Just got to lock up." I said putting the key into the front door and turning it to the left and then turning the knob to double check that it was locked up, "All right, hop on in!" I exclaimed with a smile. George looked at my Beetle
and smiled.

"Nice car." he said opening the passenger side door, "Your cars over here are so strange though." he said. I laughed and put the keys into the ignition and put my seatbelt on, which George did as well.

"Well, I bet England to me would be strange for me." I winked, "Driving on the wrong side of the road." George just laughed. I backed out slowly making sure no cars were coming and put the car into gear and went on my way.

"So what do you do?" he asked looking outside at the little houses that were close together.

"I work at Macy's." I said stopping at the stoplight, "Helping customers, handling cash and all that shit." I said putting my foot on the clutch so I could change gears so I could get going.

"Sounds interesting." he said, "I couldn't do it, handling money is not my one strengths." he said rubbing his fingers through his dark brown hair, which I found actually quite appealing.

"So what do you do?" I asked him putting my left turn signal on and waiting for the traffic not be so close together to turn.

"I'm in a group." he replied, "A music group." he smiled nervously.

"Sounds great!" I said with a smile finally finding a time to turn, "Playing music isn't one of my strengths." I said,

"But then I never learned, don't have the money for lessons or even an instrument." I sighed and turned into the parking lot that was to the right of me.

"Really simple once you get the hang of it." he said, "What type of music you into?" he asked. I parked the car and turned the ignition off and turned to him.

"Rock and Roll." I replied, "Elvis Presley, Buddy, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, you know?" he nodded and unbuckled his seatbelt and unclipping mine.

"So this is the place?" he asked and I nodded, "Gear." he said opening his door and jumping out and walking quickly into the store. I laughed and locked the car doors and walked slowly in. I loved the smell of music stores, the reason? I don't know, just do. I watched George walk over to the section for Rock and Roll. I smiled over to the right of me at the cashier and walked over to where George was searching through the records.

"Find anything of interest?" I asked him. He shook his head and moved on to the next row and started flipping them slowly, "Oh My God! They have the new Little Richard album out!" I shrieked grabbing for the record and holding it between my hands. I smiled and turned it over to look at the price. I must have looked pretty down because George put an arm around me and smiled.

"I'll buy it for you." he said taking the record out of my hands and heading towards the cashier.

"George, I can't... you can't... I can't let you do this." I said fast walking after him.

"And why is that love?" he asked turning around and making me almost bump into him.

"Because I don't want you spending your money on me." I said trying to grab the record out of his hands, but he turned around just as quick as he had stopped, "George, please." I begged.

"Is that all?" the cashier asked checking the price and pushing the price into her cashier, George nodded, "Ten dollars and fifteen cents." George grabbed his wallet from his back pocket and paid up and full and turned to me with a smile and passed me the record. I looked down at the record and back up to see George already off out of the store, "You are one lucky girl, wish my boyfriend would buy me something." the cashier said twirling her long black hair in her perfectly manicured finger.

"He's not my boyfriend." I said staring at the door.

"Mhm." he hummed leaning over the counter, her shirt barely hiding her breasts.

"Seriously!" I snapped at her and walked out the door and into my car. I looked over at George who had on the biggest grin plastered on his face that I wanted to slap off, "Why didn't you listen to me?!" I yelled at him.

"Because I wanted to get you something for taking me out." his grin disappeared as before you could say, Supercalifragalistic-something-docious, "I can give it to that lovely cashier who was more interested!" he spoke with a sharp tongue.

"FINE!" I yelled back and watched him walk out of the car and storm back into the record store. I then realized what I had done and slapped my forehead with my right hand, "Stupid! Stupid!" I yelled out loud and rested my head down on the steering wheel and cried, "Melody, you stupid! Stupid foolish girl!" I yelled to myself through the tears that were rolling down my cheeks like a waterfall. I looked up to see George walking back, empty handed. I tried wiping the tears away before he reached inside the car. Unfortunately my make-up had run, so there were black streaks down my cheeks.

I looked into the rear-view mirror and hurriedly tried to wipe away the black mascara. Suddenly the door of the car
swung open and slammed shut. I had some how managed to wipe off the mascara in that short amount of time. He clipped his seatbelt on and crossed his arms and looked out the window.

"Just take me back." he said through gritted teeth. I sighed and started the engine and drove out of the parking lot onto the road and on the way back to McCann Street. It was quiet all the way, just complete utter silence. I wanted to say something but I was scared to. I mean, I did hurt his feelings. I felt like crying, but I couldn't not in front of someone. Finally turning right onto my street and left into the driveway and turning the engine off. George unclipped himself and opened the door and stormed over to Louise's home. I sighed and took the keys out slowly and sat in the car looking down at my knees.  I was so ashamed at myself, George did something nice for me, me! Then I go and what do I do? I didn't say thank you, no, I yelled at him.

"Great..." I muttered to myself and got out of the car and grabbed the house keys and unlocked the door walking inside my home. Another thing that came to my mind was what was Louise going to think of me? Would she kick me out of her life all together or forgive but still not forget, I mean who could forget something like this? I went into the living room and slouched myself down on the couch and stared at the wall. Not thinking, not caring, just blank. Let me tell you, it is pretty hard to stay blank when you just have things trying to get into your mind and feelings trying to show. I got up and decided to make the first move, besides I am in the wrong, he has every reason to be pissed off at me. I opened the front door and walked outside and turned to my left and walked across the lawn.

"Here we go..." I took a deep breath and lifted my fist up and knocked on the door three times. I stood there waiting for George to answer the door, but after standing around I figured he didn't want to see me. I sighed and walked back towards my house and sat down onto the couch.

george, romance, bffd, fic

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