“11 12n Wednesday - Afternoon Classes”
Hermione Granger, Staff: Poppy Pomfrey, Nurse Wanda Wainscott, Slytherins: Draco Malfoy, Theo Nott, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Millicent Bulstrode, Alberta Runcorn, Gryffindors: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Hufflepuffs: Justin Finch-Fletchley, Wayne
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Comments 6
I like Millie. She’s trying to make something of herself, but she’s so obsessive about it, you just know someone keeps riding her. Loyal, though, in a house that doesn’t value that nearly as much as being smart about it. That takes character. (No matter how much she swears.)
No, Vince may as well just take up residence in the Infirmary. It would save time. 😋
Well you know if this stuff is doing Theo’s head in, the Death Eater stuff will be even worse. He just wasn’t built for it. (Which is good, obviously, just not fortunate for him.) Tracey does better when she gets used to things. Daphne doesn’t need that as much as she’s always a bit off and ‘odd’ so there’s less need to worry about getting the lay of the land first.
Yeah, that’s Hermione in a nutshell. Not getting why it isn’t all just about being right. Tracey is a much better fit for something like that.
The only explanation I have for the careers (and lack of choices) is someone didn’t bother running the numbers when they were doing their world building. 😉
Yes, that.
:D I'm skimming through trying to find where I left off ages ago!
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