it won't be wrong it won't be wrong

Jan 03, 2011 19:23

"I was hiding in the back yard," Kat is telling some stranger enthusiastically. She has a plate of cookies with her. If you know Kat, you would know that this is not a good thing. Dan especially could tell you the dangers of one Katherine Kirschenbaum and culinary adventures. But these are not cookies that she made. Not that she couldn't make ( Read more... )

iris fortner, mizuno ami/sailor mercury, katherine kirschenbaum, dylan, ran connolly, sunshine destiny willow albright-higgins, francis barnam, molly satomi fuchizaki

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Comments 57

sophicsulphur January 4 2011, 01:25:52 UTC
Iris sees you there, Molly. She wasn't expecting to see you, when she wandered into this coffee shop: actually, it's coffee for the apartment she's after, as evidenced by the fact that she's brought her own pitcher. But she sees you, and now the pitcher is being set down on a counter. Veeeeery gently. Yes, be quiet, Chicagoans: she's hunting Fuchizakis.

Tacklehugs are serious business, after all.

Sadly, though, she's not as silent as a cat, even if she's practically doing that little preparing-to-pounce wiggle they do. So Molly might get about a second and a half to hear her shoes squeaking against the floor, before she's leapt on from behind and snuggled mightily.

"Yay! Welcome back!"

...yeah, yeah, there was that thing about secrecy, but who cares? Sure, she saw her here and there at Christmas, but on the whole, she's missed her far too much. And besides, she spent about half of Christmas zoning out.


ilikeyourcake January 4 2011, 01:30:44 UTC
"Oh, my gawd!" Molly exclaims, hugging Iris back. "I have missed you like, so much."

The lie doesn't really hurt that much, even though Molly hasn't exactly missed anyone for the past however long she's been doing whatever. School takes precedence over everyone, including people and pets. And everything ( ... )


sophicsulphur January 4 2011, 01:36:09 UTC
Iris will, like, for sure take your order for you, Molly. Totes. Although don't mind if she does it over your shoulder. She doesn't actually want to let go.

"Um, a six shot soy cap?" she yells back at him, trying to keep her mouth away from Molly's ear. Not that she has any idea what those words mean. Her business with the barista finished, she returns to her regularly-scheduled fussing over Molly. Or at least, in Iris' ideal world it's regular.

"Um, but yeah, I can like totally see how you'd want that, but it's great to see you!" she babbles breathlessly. She's getting almost as good at this as Molly. "And yeah, yeah, sure, I can drop by any time, I mean I can drop by now-- aww, you bought me stuff? You shouldn't have. But, ahh, it's just, um, like I said. So good to see you."

Finally, she lets Molly go and steps back a bit, grinning all over her face. Her arms feel tingly. It's so good to hold her again.


ilikeyourcake January 4 2011, 02:37:35 UTC
Oh hey look, she has arms again. This happens when people stop hugging you. Sometimes.

She is still decaffeinated, though. Luckily, the barista has given up on getting what size cappuccino Molly wants, and has, in a rather disgruntled fashion, wandered off to make her drink. It's hard for him to believe that either of the girls are going to listen to a word he's saying, considering how enthused they are to see each other.

"Of course I like, bought you stuff," Molly says, lightly hitting Iris's arm with the back of her fingers. "I was like, gone forever and haven't seen you, and you know. Had to think about you somehow and get my mind off everything."


sophicsulphur January 4 2011, 01:39:39 UTC
Sorry, Sunshine. Iris is going to question you. She has legitimate questions.

At first, she's not sure she's reading the sign right. Will fuck for housing? She knows what the word means, but she's more used to hearing fuck as an intensifier, around here, so it takes her a moment to process the implications. Will have sex for housing? But why would anybody do that?

Is Sunshine out of a home? And is she really that hard up for one?

"Hey," she calls, jogging up to the angel-demon, all wrapped in her new winter clothes. And the wingslit shirt she got from Santa, under them. "What's with the sign?" A tiny frown crosses her face. "You doing okay?"


consumesflesh January 4 2011, 02:49:52 UTC
Sunshine rolls her eyes, trying to suppress a laugh. "Oh, that," she says, as if it's a rather minor thing. "So like, I was fucking my last landlord instead of paying rent, 'cause I hate working and shit, considering the amount of child labor I went through before I escaped the hippies. But then his girlfriend found out and all hell broke loose. So basically, I'm looking for someone to set me up again, so I don't have to keep living out of my car."

Really, she doesn't find this all that of a big deal. She's basically doing alright. "I was staying with Millie for a bit, but then her place burned down, so that's not really an option anymore, yanno?"

She didn't want to put herself out on the street without any protection, but fuck, at this point, she'll take when she can get. And she'd rather fuck someone for it than actually do manual labor.

"But how are you doing, angel? Did you have a good Christmas?"


sophicsulphur January 4 2011, 02:58:06 UTC
Iris hmms at that. She's still frowning: she doesn't like the sound of that. It seems kind of dangerous. But then, she guesses Sunshine can probably take care of herself. She's a big strong girl. Well, a strong girl, at any rate. Either way, she gives off large-and-in-charge vibes, and Iris can respect that.

Still, she worries about her. She worries about everyone. It's what she do. "I wish I could offer you a couch at my place," she says. "But it's not my place, it's Kaden's place, so I sort of can't, really. --yeah, I moved out. Moved in with my ward. Otherwise I'd've given you my floor back at the Kashtta. Not much, but you know."

She shoots her a sympathetic smile. "Seems like everyone's down on their luck lately. I'm doing okay, though." She's not really going to talk about Christmas. Christmas itself was bad. So she'll talk about Kaden, instead. "Like I said, I moved in with Kaden. It's good to not be living alone."


consumesflesh January 4 2011, 03:13:29 UTC
"Oh wow, really?" Sunshine asks, and probably not for the reason that Iris thinks. "Just sayin', he is amazing in bed."

Because that is apparently very high on the list of things Iris needs or wants to know. Yeah. Sunshine doesn't always think these things through.

"And trust me, it's really not that big of a deal, so don't worry about it. I mean, I've had much further down on my luck moments, considering that one time I was going a hundred and twenty miles an hour down the highway to get the fuck out of Utah and then I blew a tire. I don't even know how I survived that one."

She grins, reaching out and ruffling Iris's hair. Really, she can take care of herself. It's not an issue. She does wonder what Iris is doing with Kaden, but that may be a talk for another time. "And besides, I can't really live in the Kashtta, or I'd already be there."


ripsouthearts January 4 2011, 02:51:43 UTC
"Do you think it's retarded?" Ran asks rudely, right in front of the barista. He glances over at said person and shakes his head, making a tsking noise. Does have have to draw a diagram? Clearly this person has never dealt with Molly when she's caffeine deprived, or they'd have just set up a beer hat full of coffee right about now.

He smirks a little at the mental image and then hops the counter, much to the complete shock of both the employee and the other customers, pointing to the machine.


At least the barista understands him now.


ilikeyourcake January 4 2011, 03:07:06 UTC
The problem with Ran's display is that while Molly is about to get a cappuccino, it is going to be a decaf one.

They won't be able to tell that for a bit, though, when Molly's still about to KILL EVERYTHING, though, so she happily pays for it. "Gawd, I never thought you could be like, useful," she remarks, which only gets them more stares. Needless to say, they're not really making themselves very popular.


ripsouthearts January 4 2011, 03:24:19 UTC
Ran also gets a drink, but it's venti and fully caffeinated, which oddly doesn't seem to affect him at all. It also has about six ounces of sugar syrup in it, far more than it should have, but he suspects that the barista was just trying to get rid of them by making his drink as fast as possible.

"I'd make a very good mob-minion," he says proudly, taking a sip. "Or the muscle for a drug-dealer." Not really something he should be announcing in the middle of a coffee shop, but then again, no one really wants to get close enough to Ran to tell him off either.


ilikeyourcake January 4 2011, 03:33:29 UTC
"I would be like, the worst drug dealer ever," Molly says, gleefully taking in the stares around them. Steps back, small conversations, process them, recognize what's going on. It's been too long since she's actually been around a real crowd. No, it's all been locked in her study, doing her work, listening to her tapes. This, this is real life, and she can taste it on her tongue, feel it in the air.

"I mean, seriously." She gets to the table she had her eyes on, but stops, not sitting down. "It's like, empty." She looks at Ran with big mournful eyes. Why do coffees have to run out so fast?


aliensurrogate January 4 2011, 03:01:43 UTC
Gwen notices the commotion; how can she not? It's loud and people are screaming. She recognises the sound of complete panic when she hears it. She reaches for her gun and pulls it out, dropping the bag of vitamins and supplements as she runs towards the noise, hand out in front of her, free hand steadying it.

She skids into the street and notices the teenage girl holding a gun. Besides the surrealism of it all, Gwen notices how nervous she looks. Obviously Ami isn't used to shooting anything, and Gwen remembers what it was like to be that scared. Jack eventually broke her of it, but for a while she was worried she'd hurt the wrong person or shoot herself.

No longer.

She runs forward and takes AIM, firing at the closest Licker.


fellfrommyheart January 8 2011, 21:17:03 UTC
Dylan is glad Christmas is over. Now she doesn’t have to think about it for another year. Which she’s happy for because all it ever does it depress her. She can get all the sad thoughts out of her mind for a while and concentrate on what she’s meant to be doing. Hunting ( ... )


whatheytoldya January 12 2011, 21:26:45 UTC
"It's kind of what I do," Francis says, taking the drink the bartender offers him, and slaps a bit too much cash in his hand. Before the other man has even turned away, almost half the drink is gone. It's not the same anymore. He can't drink all of it away. But at least he can make things fuzzy enough that they don't quite matter. "Stay alive, I mean."

He knocks back the last of his drink then pushes away from the bar. Francis stumbles slightly as he turns to face Dylan. It takes him a while to recognize her, if he does at all. All of the faces blend together in the end, and she's blurry to boot. Young girls. Scarred.

"You know, I'll never be able to tell if it's as much of a demonsucking riftshit miracle as they claim it is, but fell if I'm going to damned question it right this moment, Morgan." He sways slightly and debates letting his wings out for a moment, but that's probably not the right thing to do right now. "I'm close enough to gutted as it is. How much is really left?"


fellfrommyheart January 13 2011, 23:50:57 UTC
Dylan remains silent for a long while; she just stands there, wringing her hands as she stares at him. She’s not totally sure what to say. Her brain is telling her over and over again what she’s really meant to be here for. He’s got to turn up eventually, she’s sure of it. She has to keep remembering that. But the current state of the older archangel is desperately trying to take all of her attention. “Well... that’s good,” she says eventually, “I’m.. I’m glad ( ... )


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